What is Occuptaional Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that helps people of all ages to engage in meaningful activities or occupations that they need or want to do, despite any physical, mental, or social limitations.
What is occupational performance?
The interaction between the person, environment and occupation results in occupational performance, which is the ability of a person to perform occupations and daily engagements.
Name 3 occupational therapy models?
The Person Environment Occupation Performance model (PEOP), The Person Environment Occupation model (PEO), Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model (OTIPM), Occupational Performance Process Model (OPPM), Model of Human Occupation (MOHO), Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E), Occupational Performances Model – Australia (OPM-A), Kawa (River) Model.
Motivational Interview
Which animal can help to develop fine motor skills
Who is benefited by occupational therapy?
Anyone with physical, developmental, emotional, or cognitive impairments that interfere with their ability to participate fully in daily activities.
Name 3 aspects of functional ability groups/subcategories required for occupational performance?
Sensorimotor, cognitive and psychological.
Name the main components of PEO model?
Person, environment and occupation.
Why are animals in OT good for kids with autism?
children with autism demonstrated significantly greater language use and social interaction in occupational therapy sessions when animals were involved
What are the main goals of occupational therapy?
Common goals include improving motor skills, enhancing cognitive function, promoting independence in activities of daily living, and facilitating participation in work, school, and leisure activities.
Name 3 performance components of the psychological/psychosocial subcategory/group?
values, interests, self-concept, role performance, social conduct, interpersonal skills, self-expression, coping skills, time management, self-control.
What is the Kawa (River) Model about?
The model draws upon the metaphor of a river to describe human occupation and its relationship to well-being. In Japanese, kawa (かわ) means river, and the model uses the metaphor of a river to represent a person's life flow or occupational journey. The river represents the dynamic and ever-changing nature of life, while rocks, debris, and other elements in the river symbolize obstacles, challenges, and personal experiences. The model emphasizes that each person's river is unique and influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors. The Kawa model incorporates five main elements: water, river banks and space, rocks, and driftwood. In the model, "water (mizu) represents life flow and health, driftwood (ryuboku) represents personal assets and liabilities, rocks (iwa) represent life circumstances and problems, and the river walls (torimaki) represent physical and social environmental factors.
What is boto therapy?
Swimming with pink river dolphins
Who founded occupational therapy?
Asclepiades, Pinel, Reil, Slagle, Kidner, Denton. (etc)
Name 4 performance components of the cognitive subcategory/group?
Arousal level, orientation, recognition, attention span, activity initiation, activity termination, memory, sequencing, categorisation, concept formation, problem solving, learning, generalisation.
Name a few parts of the MOHO model?
Volition, habituation, performance capacity, skill, performance, participation.
Why is Tinder special (not the dating app)?
The dog helps children practice scissor skills by cutting treats for him, develop fine motor skills by manipulating his leash and collar, and developing bilateral coordination by bringing him food and water
When was occupational therapy founded?
Name 5 performance components of the sensorimotor subcategory/group?
Tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular, visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, stereognosis, kinesthesia, pain response, body scheme, right-left discrimination, position in space, visual-closure, depth perception, spatial relations, topographical orientation, reflex, range of motion, muscle tone, strength, endurance, postural control, postural alignment, soft tissue integrity, gross coordination, crossing midline, laterality, bilateral integration, motor control, praxis, fine coordination/dexterity, visual-motor integration, oral-motor control.
What differentiates PEO from PEOP model?
PEOP: Active nature of occupation performance, Occupation performance supports participation and well being. Participation Top-down: Emphasis the highest order factors (the performance, participation and well-being of the individuals) and their interaction with specific factors (person and environmental enablers and barriers). A ecological transactional system model (Function of the system as a whole). Understand that how the characteristic of the person and the environment interact to influence the everyday of occupations
PEO: Optimum occupational performance, Degree of congruence/ incongruence. Participation Bottom up. Emphasis that occupational performance is shaped by the dynamic interdependence of persons, occupations, and environments
How can dogs help a client get a job?