Models & Frameworks
OT Tools
Client Factors
OT Intervention
OT Evaluation

A client-centred health profession that involves ongoing assessments to understand what activities you can do (and those you want to do).

What is Occupational Therapy


An instrument that was developed as a measure of disability for a variety of populations. The instrument includes measures of independence for self-care, including sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognition.

What is the Functional Independence Measure (FIM)


"Clients' perceptions, motivations, and related meaning that influence engagement in occupation" (AOTA, 2020, p. 63).

What is values, beliefs, and spirituality


An item prescribed to provide deep pressure to the person lying under it – quiet often recommended when a person is having difficulty falling or staying asleep

What is a weighted blanket


A technique to gather information from the client involving questioning which may be formal or informal.

What is interview techniques


A standardised tool to help evaluate a child's sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.

What is a Sensory Profile


State of alertness and awareness

What is Body functions: consciousness (global mental functions)


A device that enables the user to move a stiff or immobile leg.

What is a leg lifter


Refers to the ability to conceive, plan, and carry out movements

What is motor planning


This model was first conceptualized in 1986 by Dr. Christine Chapparo and Dr. Judy Ranka at the University of Sydney, Australia to illustrate the complex network of factors involved in human occupational performance, and the domain of concern of occupational therapy.

What is the Occupational Performance Model (Australia)


Designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction. It assesses different cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation.

What is The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)


Joint range of motion (ROM)

What is joint mobility


An OT recommends removal of all throw rugs from a client's home prior to returning home. This recommendation is indicative of what type of intervention approach

What is prevent


A test that evaluates the ability of someone to make decisions, function independently, safely perform basic skills, and learn new abilities.1 This assessment was developed by Claudia K. Allen, along with her colleagues.

What is the Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS)


Client transfers from bed to wheelchair utilising a FWW and moderate assistance x1

What is functional mobility


Reevaluation of OT intervention to determine effectiveness, need for modification or need for continued service

What is intervention review


Entails attention, organization, mental flexibility, self regulation.

What is Executive functioning


A model that emphasizes occupational performance shaped by the interaction between person, environment, and occupation.

What is the Person-Environment-Occupational Performance (PEOP) Model.


A process-oriented, criterion referenced assessment that employs task analysis methods to determine problems with cognitive information processing component function during routine, task or subtask performance.

What is the Functional Independence Measure (FIM)


Meaningful life activities that people engage in

What is occupations


The OT acts on the client behalf to obtain the necessary resources, including services to support occupational performance.

What is advocacy


Identification of what is important to the client, prior roles, client's priorities and desired goals from therapy are important components of this OT approach.

What is client centered approach