Activities of Daily Living
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Leisure Activities & Social Participation
Rest & Sleep & Health Management
Education & Work

Appropriate clothing to get dressed in for warm weather vs cold weather

Warm: tshirt/tanktop, shorts/pants, sandals/shoes

Cold: longsleeve/sweatshirt, pants, shoes/boots, coat, hat, gloves/mittens, scarf


Community mobility. 1 example 

Walking/running, taking the bus, train, taxi/Uber, driving, biking


Why is social participation important?

Prevents social isolation and loneliness, allows us to make peers/friends, can decrease the number of instances of worries/anxiety/stress/depression/other mental health symptoms


How many hours of sleep do adults need per night?

Between 7-9 hours a night


What to wear for a job interview?

Formal/dress clothing


Personal hygiene. 2 examples 

Washing/drying/combing/cutting hair, brushing/flossing teeth, shaving, trimming nails, management of skin, ears, eyes, nose, applying deodorant, applying makeup


Financial management. 2 examples 

Utilizing a savings/checking account, managing a debit/credit card, managing cash/coins, saving vs spending and our goals (things we want vs what we need)...


Community participation. 2 examples

Spending time with peers within BOC/neighborhood, engaging with work/school friends on the outside, social networking, attending church/religious groups, community events, etc. 


What is sleep hygiene? 2 examples. 

Preparing oneself for the best possible sleep each night. Following a bedtime routine/schedule, limiting food/drink before bed, create a comfortable peaceful space, limit naps, physical activity, decrease stress/anxiety


How can you prepare for a job interview?

Review the company's mission/values, think of common questions they may ask and your responses, review the role applying for, prepare resume, come up with questions to ask at the end


What are two ADLs you do when you first wake up in the morning? 

Brush teeth, brush hair, shave, use the toilet, get dressed, eat breakfast, shower/bathe


Life skills we can work on in group sessions. 3 examples.

Community mobility, financial management, caring for others (children, pets, loved ones), meal preparation, safety and emergency maintenance, shopping


Free leisure activities. 3 examples

Public library and reading (on phone/computer too), going for a walk, going to the beach, games/puzzles/activity books you have (dollar store has them too), drawing/coloring, writing/journaling


What is the 8x8 rule for drinking water?

You should drink at least eight 8oz cups per day (2 Liters/half a gallon)


Education skills that may be needed in your daily life. Give 2 examples in context of daily life. 

Reading, writing, math, science, geography, social studies/history, computer skills, etc. 

Ex: needing reading while ordering food off of a menu; math skills while at the store to make sure you have enough money for the items in your cart...


Body Functions: What is your body doing while eating and swallowing? 3 examples

Chewing muscles move the jaw to break food into pieces, which are ground up by the cheeks, tongue, and teeth. Then the food is swallowed down the esophagus


Safety and emergency skills. 3 examples

identifying emergency contact numbers, replacing batteries in smoke and CO2 detectors, having a plan and supplies for different situations (fire, flood, hurricane, power outage), etc. 


Holiday leisure and social participation activities. Three examples

Making cookies/desserts, watching holiday movies, cooking holiday meals, spending time with family/friends, engaging in holiday activities (such as Christmas tree shopping)


Important factors of health management. 3 examples

Promotion and maintenance of: social and emotional health, physical health (i.e., going to doctor), engaging in physical activity, nutrition management, health condition management, medication management, communication with health care team and your support system


Things to do to prepare for vocational school, community college, or a university application and/or interview. 3 examples

Prepare resume, review school's values/mission, make sure to complete all prerequisites (such as ACTs, SATs, GED), look into financials (cost per term, scholarships, etc.), letter of recommendation, volunteer hours...


Saving water and money: How much water is used in a bath vs in a shower (in gallons) 

Bath: around 44.91 gallons

Shower: 5 mins - 18.49-30.38 gallons; 10 mins - 47.55 gallons


Occupations and skills used and to consider while shopping. 4 examples 

Creating shopping list; determining which store to go to (such as ones that are more affordable vs more expensive); selecting, purchasing, and transporting items bought; choosing payment method for transaction; money management skills


Social Participation Types. 5 total

Community participation, family participation, friendship, intimate partner relationships, peer group participation 

How much exercise should you get in a day? A week? 4 examples

For adults, 30 mins of moderate exercise a day; Each week adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity 

Examples: the sky is the limit!! 


How can you maintain your job? 4 examples

Professionalism with coworkers, employer, customers/clients; Be on time each shift; Dress appropriately; Remain off of cellular device; Refrain from activities not associated with your job and staying on task; Be aware of what you're doing well and what you could improve on; Completing tasks in a timely manner, etc.