At what temperature is water heaviest?
4 degrees
What are the three layers of the ocean?
Mixing layer, thermocline and deep ocean.
What organsims does biogenic sediments consist of?
Plankton, phytoplankton, clams, snails, sponges and etc.
What type of animals are calcifiers?
organisms whose structures consist of calcium carbonate.
Why are the current changes in the ocean a problem for organisms, when the ocean has changed before?
They have little time to adapt.
What is pH?
pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.
How long does it take for the ocean and atmosphere to exchange gases?
10-100 years
What is a pelagic animal?
An organism that lives in the pelagic zone. The part of the ocean that does not touch any land.
What are the two types of fauna in the benthic zone?
epifauna and infauna
In the past there have been way higher amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere without it causing damage to the ecosystems. Why is that?
It was given millions of years to adapt to it.
What happens when CO2 enters the ocean?
It dissociates into carbonate acid, bicarbonate, carbonate and H+ ions
How long does it take for the mixing between the surface ocean and deep oceans?
The time span of around 1.000 years
For what two major reasons is ocean acidification a problem for coral reefs?
The calciumcarbonate gets dissolved in already existing corals, making them more vulnerable to eerosion and rough animal behavior, and it is more difficult for new coral to settle and grow.
Less coralline algae to help build the reefs.
What am i?
What are the two forms of calcium carbonate that are crucial in the structure of many calcifiers.
Aragonite and calcite
How much of the excess carbon dioxide injected into the atmosphere from human impacts is absorbed by the ocean?
approximately one third.
Where in the oceans do we see a greater and lower saturation of aragonite and calcite?
At the poles the saturation is lower, and towards equator, the saturation is greater.
Why does it matter that benthic life forms are affected and struggle to survive?
They are part of a greater circle and serve as food for many marine organisms. Filterfeeders filter the water and are also crutial.
What does coralline algae do to coral?
They aid in cementing coral reefs to the ocean floor.
At what saturation state does aragonite begin to dissolve?
Under 1
How much has the pH of the ocean changed since the beginning of the industrial revolution?
from 8,19 to 8,05 = 30%
What characterizes the thermocline?
with increasing depth there is a sharp fall in temperature and density.
Name an ocean animal that doesnt seem affected by ocean acidification at all.
What amount of PPM CO2 is said to be the point of no return?
900 PPM CO2.