A giant pattern of moving water that spans whole oceans and moves water.
what is a gyre
To move an object from one place to another.
what is transfer
The scientific word for the weather patterns over a long period of time?
What is climate
Surface currents are mainly caused by
What is the wind
This yellow toy fell off the ship in the reading that taught scientists about ocean currents
What is rubber duckies?
What heats the Earth's oceans?
What is the Sun
this gets heated up before the atmosphere
what is land and water
This person studies weather patterns over a long period of time
what is a climatologist
These cause a current to change direction
what is continents
The two cities we compared in chapter 2
What is Buenos Aires and Cape town
When the ocean is warmer than the air, heat flows in this direction.
what is ocean to air
Winds that are strong enough to push ocean currents
what are prevailing winds
Currents release thermal energy, which can affect a location's
what is climate/air temperature
Energy is transferred from the ocean to the air when the ocean is warmer and from air to ocean when the air is
what is warmer
Which school did Mrs. Vassey Graduate from?
What is ocean water flowing in a continuous path
ocean current
Warming of the sea surface temperature in the eastern tropical pacific ocean.
what is El Nino
Long term prevailing weather conditions at a particular place upon records taken
what is climate
The warm, strong current off the coast of Florida
what is the Gulf Stream
Which location receives the most direct sunlight all year
what is the equator
What is made up of land and water
What is surface or Earth's surface
This happens to air parcels when they get heated
What is rise
This affects climate and is related to how high something is from sea level
What is elevation/altitude
A current that starts near the poles and moves towards the equator brings this kind of water
what is cooler water
Where is Mrs. Vassey from?
New Brunswick, Canada