what phylum is made up of shells?
name three types of ways humans have negative effects on the sea.
what does displaced/displacement mean?
the amount of mass an object takes up in water form.
how do you measure current?
in amps
what rigid structure of a squid is found in the mantel?
a pen
who's most likely to survive higher toxic conditions a shark or a crab?
a shark because when DO levels start to drop large animals swim out.
how do fish control their depth in water?
by filling their swim bladders with air
what is a wet lab?
for examining specimins, collecting and analying samples from the sea, and checking equipment
how many types of ocean habitats are there, and what are their names?
5, sea floor, intertidal zone, open ocean, beach, and salt marsh
what are the common units for meausurement of DO?
what does the vocab word "intertidal" mean?
between tides, the area between high and low tide
definition of eutrophication?
ecological imbalance that happens because of excess nutrince.
what causes the bouyant force?
the upward force acting upon an object immersed in a liquid
what is irish moss used to make?
toothpaste and ice cream-thickener
what is the most frequent catagory of microplastics ingected by sea creatures?