Ocean Floor Features
Ocean Floor Exploration
I Love the Ocean!
Ocean Zone Fun
Ocean Zones are Cool
This has mountains, plains, and ridges just like the land we live on.
What is the ocean floor.
This is the area of the Ocean where the 5th grade students play in the water.
What is the continental shelf.
What percent of the world is covered by water?
What is 70%
The pressure becomes ____________ as you travel deeper down in the ocean.
What is greater.
How does the Sunlight Zone get its name?
What is from the amount of sunlight it receives.
This is the shallow part of the ocean floor that begins at the shoreline and gently slopes underwater.
What is the continental shelf.
Seamounts are undersea mountains that are formed by these.
What is Erupting Volcanoes.
This is home to most living things in the ocean.
What is the continental shelf.
Why would water at the surface of the ocean be warmer than water at the bottom of the ocean?
What is it receives more sunlight.
This zone is where Mr. Ruccio can splash around in the waves and swim with the fish.
What is the sunlight zone.
This is the flat area of the ocean floor.
What is the abyssal plain.
These are the deepest parts of the ocean.
What are ocean trenches.
This happens to the temperature as you travel deeper into the ocean.
What is it gets colder.
This zone receives very little sunlight.
What is the twilight zone (Mesopelagic)
Name the 3 zones of the ocean.
What is the Sunlight, Twilight, and Midnight.
These features of the ocean floor are very deep and similar to canyons on land.
What are trenches.
The deepest ocean trench in the world is located in this ocean.
What is the Pacific Ocean.
An organism in this zone would likely have, small eyes, large mouth and an organ that produces some light.
What is the midnight zone (Bathypelagic)
This is the zone where the giant squid, blob fish, prickly shark, and the oar fish would live.
What is the Twilight Zone (Mesopelagic).
In this zone many living things have soft bodies and large eyes.
What is the twilight zone.
This ocean feature begins at the edge of the continental shelf and plunges down to depths of over two miles. It is covered with thick layers of sand, mud, and rocks.
What is the continental slope.
The continental rise connects the steep walls of the _________ to the bottom of the ocean. It too is covered with thick layers of sand, mud, and rocks.
What is the continental slope.
Why do fish in the Midnight Zone (Bathypelagic) not move very much?
What is because of the pressure and little oxygen.
This is the type of technology that helps scientists explore the ocean floor.
What is Sonar.
These are the base of the food chain in the ocean and produce more oxygen than all the trees on land.
What are Diatoms.