Coral Reefs
Marine Habitats
Ocean Animals

This animal can be described as a "class clown" and may take a little to find.

What is a clownfish?


This ocean is the largest, covers about 1/3 of the Earth and is home to a "garbage island."

What is the Pacific Ocean?


This habitat is formed by large seaweeds and provides shelter for animals? 

What is a kelp forest? 


This animal is known to be playful and intelligent, and they use echolocation to find their way around. You can spot them easily from the beach.

What is a dolphin?


This animal can grow to be several feet long but is known to be a gentle giant. Some can even hold a treasure inside. 

What is a giant clam?


This ocean is known for its cold temperatures and is located near the North Pole.

What is the Arctic Ocean?


This brightly colored home for many different kinds of marine life is in danger of disappearing.

What is a coral reef? 


This is the largest animal to ever live on Earth, however they are very friendly and may let you swim with them. 

What is the blue whale?


This creature has a distinctive shell and beak-like jaws, and can be spotted hanging out on the reef. They also like to have some "stinging" snacks. 

What is a sea turtle? 


This ocean is home to Madagascar and other large islands. It also shares its name with a country. 

What is the Indian Ocean?


These are characterized by large, sudden drops in depth and can also be found on the surface of Earth. 

What are canyons? 


While its common name suggests otherwise, this animal is the largest of the dolphin family. They are often found in colder waters and migrate during the year to find more food. 

What is a killer whale/orca?


With some masterful camouflage and incredible problem solving skills, this animal can be very tricky to spot so don't be a sucker!

What is an octopus?


This ocean is known for it's deep blue color, and it is sandwiched between the Americas and Europe/Africa.  

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


This extremely cold terrain is inhabited by penguins, seals, and polar bears. 

What is polar ice?

This species is found in low coastal waters and used to be confused for mermaids by sailors. 

What is a manatee?


These animals make up colonies that are the primary foundation of coral reefs. 

What are coral polyps?


This specific ocean is home to the Great Barrier reef. 

What is the Coral Sea? (75 points if they answer with Pacific Ocean)


This phenomenon occurs when a large sea animal dies and sinks, providing support for deep sea communities for up to decades.

What is a whale fall?


This creature - characterized by an ability to camouflage and a squid-like body - is often mistaken for a fish but is actually a type of mollusk. 

What is a cuttlefish?