How to prevent pollution in the ocean
Plastic pollution in the ocean
Sea animals

How do you think you can prevent ocean pollution?

Pick up trash, don't litter, tell people not to litter, etc.


Where does the majority of plastic waste end up?

In the ocean.


Does almost every sea animal get involved in ocean pollution?



What should you do if there is a water bottle on the ground?

Pick it up and throw it into a recycle bin.


What is an example of a dangerous single-use plastic?

Water bottles, soft plastic containers, plastic bags, etc.


What is the most endangered sea animal in the ocean?

Sea turtles.


Why do you think plastic is the main pollution?

It is the main pollution because of how damaging it is to sea animals, and because there is so much of it in the ocean.


How many million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year?

 About 8 million tons.


What are some animals that were hit the hardest by ocean pollution?

Turtles and fish.


What could you do to help clean the ocean?

Join an organization to clean up the ocean using nets, clean up beaches, etc.


What do you think caused ocean pollution?

All marine debris comes from people with a majority of it originating on land and entering the ocean and Great Lakes through littering, poor waste management practices, storm water discharge, and extreme natural events such as tsunamis and hurricanes.


How endangered do you think sea animals are?

About 85% of sea animals are endangered by plastic and pollution.


Why do you think plastic kills a lot of sea animals?

Animals often eat plastic because they are not always able to distinguish plastic from food and therefore the plastic they consume kills them. 


How many marine species are harmed by plastic pollution?


A 2015 Plymouth University study compiled reports recorded from around the world and found evidence of 44,000 animals becoming entangled or swallowing plastic debris, accounting for a total of 693 marine species. 


How many animals do you think died due to ocean pollution?

More than 60%.
In the ocean, plastic debris injures and kills fish, seabirds, and marine mammals. 

86% of all sea turtle species, 44% of all seabird species, and 43% of all marine mammal species.