The distance of a location north or south of the Earth's Equator?
What is Latitude
The sun's energy warms a surface (land or water) then the surface will warm the?
What is air.
What do Ocean currents from the equator bring?
What is Warm Water and Air.
When warm air rises and cooler air rushes in to replace the warm air it produces wind?
What is wind.
What zone begins at 66N or 66S latitude?
What is the Polar Zones?
The imaginary Line that divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
What is the Equator.
Water vapor in the upper atmosphere starts to form clouds in a process called?
What is Condensation.
To the Right or Clockwise.
Which direction do the Prevailing Winds blow on the Equator?
What is East to West.
What is the Temperate Zone.
Winds that move in one direction and are strong enough to push Ocean Currents?
What are Prevailing Winds.
The sun's energy is at its strongest in which ZONE?
What is the Tropical Zone.
A major factor for Coastal Cities to have different climates even though the are the same distance from the equator would be?
What are Ocean Currents.
Much like Ocean currents the Prevailing Winds seem to bend as the Earth Rotates which way do the bend in the Southern Hemisphere?
To the Left or Counterclockwise.
A locations climate can be influenced by its elevation, ocean currents and this?
What is the distance from the Equator.
A giant pattern of moving water that spans the oceans and moves water from place to place in a circular pattern.
What is a Gyre.
The sun shining on the Ocean causes water molecules to speed up until the go through a phase change called?
What is Evaporation/Vaporization
Christchurch, NZ during normal years has a warmer than expected climate for its latitude because it receives a?
What is a warm water Ocean Current.
El Nino makes the Ocean Water near the Equator warm more than usual this disrupts the normal air currents called?
What are the Prevailing Winds.
El Nino is a weather condition that affects the Pacific Ocean and countries that have a Coast with the Pacific how often?
What is every 2 to 7 years.
A climate pattern where water in near the equator gets hotter than usual and effects the weather around the world, mostly in Pacific Ocean
What is El Nino.
The Ocean Currents circulating water in gyres transfers energy in a process called?
What is convection.
This Ocean current is in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and brings warm water from the Gulf, up the East Coast of the U.S. and eventually to Western Europe.
What is the Gulf Stream.
What degree of Latitude do the Prevailing Winds change from East to West to West to East?
What is 30 Degrees N or South.
Argentina is in the Southern Hemisphere what season do they have during January?
What is summer.