True or flase:
The region is called Oceania because it is found in the *Atlantic Ocean* with lots of island.
False, Pacific
True or False:
Farmers in *New Zealand* raise dairy cows and cattle for milk and meat
True or False:
Australia produces the most *diamonds* in the world
False, opals
True or False?
Papa New Guinea exports lumber
The Māori people came to which country?
New Zealand
Prime Minster
Australia's parliament is judicial or legislative power?
An example of an Australian mammal that lays eggs is a
What leaves provide food for Koalas and oil for medicine?
Australia Citizens have the right to...
Vote and be elected to parliament
Speech and religion also acceptable
Which country's constitutions protects citizens' rights?
United States
Which area has desert and dry grasslands with cool wind and little rain?
Australia's outback plains
Which area is hot and humid and is found near the equator?
Australia's Daintree Rainforest
Where can you find cold wind, freezing rain and regular snow with glaciers?
New Zealand Highlands
Which country brough what religion to Australia and New Zealand?
British/Britain and Christianity
Sea C?
Coral Sea
Where is the Indian Ocean?
Where is the Pacific Ocean?
Country A?
Country B?
American Samoa
Country F?
New Zealand
Country E?
New Caledonia