The Ocean
The Ocean Floor
Coral Reefs
Oceans and Weather

How much is Earth covered in water?

Water covers almost 75% of Earth.


How do maps make the ocean look like?

Maps make it look like the ocean is smooth.

Where in the ocean do corals live in?

In some warm places, little animals called corals live in the top layer of the ocean.


What makes waves?

The winds that blow over the ocean make waves.


What is closely linked to the ocean?

The weather of the land near the ocean is closely linked to the ocean.

Most of the water on Earth is in what?

Most of the water on Earth is in four oceans.


What does the ocean floor contain?

The ocean floor has mountain, valleys, and plains.


What is the size of a coral?

Each coral is the size of the tip of a pen.


What is the land that ocean hits called?

The land that ocean hits is called a coast.


What happens once the ocean's water gets warm?

Once the ocean's water is warm, it stays warm.

What are the big land masses that rise above oceans called?

The big land masses that rise above the oceans are called continents.


What happens at the edge of a continent?

At the edge of a continent, the land slopes into the ocean.


What happens when corals die?

When corals dies, their hard shell stick together and new coral grow on top of the old shells.


What is the land on the coast made up of?

In some places, the land on the coast is made up of high cliffs.


Which places are warmer in winter?

Places close to the coast are warmer in winter than places inland.


What are the land masses that are smaller than continents?

Land masses that are smaller than continents are called islands.


What is the slope of the land called?

The slope of the land is called the continental shelf.


What are pile of coral shells called?

Pile of shells is called coral reefs.


How is sand made?

Ocean waves crash into the rocks on the shore and break them up into smaller and smaller pieces. These small stones become sand.


Why may summer be cool on the coast when other places are hot?

Cold winds blow toward the land during the summer even when it is hot inland.


How are oceans and land masses similar?

Oceans and land masses are similar because under both there are rocks.


Where does the continental shelf ends in, and where is the deepest part of the ocean?

The continental shelf ends in a steep cliff. The deepest part of the ocean is about seven miles below the land.


What do coral reefs look like and why are the good for ocean animals and plants?

Corals reefs look like large bushes growing in the ocean. Coral reefs make good homes for many ocean animals and plants.


What happens to the low land after many years and can be good about them?

After many years, the low land becomes a beach with lots of sand. The sandy beaches can be good places on which to play.


Why do oceans have an effect on storms?

Many storms start over the ocean. Storms can bring strong winds and rain to land.