It's All About The Money
Job Search
Interviewing 101
World of Work
Miscellaneous Questions

What is the name of this coin?

What is a Quarter


What would you need to complete to apply for a job? 

Credit Card Application, Job Application, or Bank account application 

What is a job application? 


During an interview, you should ____________.

Discuss salary, Avoid eye contact, or Ask Questions

What is ask questions? 


How many school-based hours do you need in order to graduate Richlands High School with a high school diploma?

What is 150?


What is a 2-Year College Degree called?

Master's Degree

Bachelor's Degree

Associate's Degree

What is an Associate's Degree? 


What is the name of this coin? 

What is a penny? 


The newest way to find a job is through _______________.

Public employment agencies, Newspaper ads, Online Job Searches

What is online job searches? 


What does the term "interview" mean?

A formal meeting between you and a potential employer

A place of employment

Work evaluation 

What is a formal meeting between you and a potential employer?


How many TOTAL work hours do you need in order to graduate with a high school diploma?

What is 600 hours? 


If you are 16 years old, would you the box YES or NO where it says, "Are you 18 years or older?" on a job application? 



What is NO? 


What is North Carolina's current minimum wage?

What is $7.25? 


Who can you use as a reference on a job application?

Current Boss, Former Boss, Both 

What is BOTH? 


What is North Carolina's Current Minimum Wage?

What is $7.25? 


How many paid work hours do you need in order to graduate Richlands High School with a high school diploma?

What is 225 hours? 


What does it mean on the job application "Date You Can Start?"

Your Birthday

Your Telephone Number

Date you can begin work

What is Date you can begin work? 


A plan for spending money you earn is called a ______________. 

Advice, Shopping Spree, or Budget

What is a budget? 


What does it mean on the job application "Date You Can Start?"

Your Birthday, Your Telephone Number, Date you can begin work

What is Date you can begin work? 


What are interpersonal skills for the workplace? 

Ability to use a cash register

Skills used to argue with your boss or co-workers

Skills used by a person to interact with others properly

What is skills used by a person to interact with others properly? 


When it comes to employment, what does the acronym EEO stand for?

Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Experience Opportunity

Equal Employment Outing

What is Equal Employment Opportunity? 


The newest way to find a job is through ___________. 

Public Employment Agencies

Newspaper Ads

Online Job Searches (indeed, etc.) 

What is online job searches? 


You have decided to go to Wal-Mart with $20.00 to spend on some snacks for the week. Your total at the cash register comes to $13.55. How much change will you receive back?

What is $6.45? 


What is an acceptable response to put where it says "Salary Desired" on a job application?

Negotiable, Salary, or $5.00 an hour

What is negotiable? 


If you have a conflict with a co-worker, what is the BEST choice you should do? 

Fight with the co-worker in front of customers

Privately have a conversation with the co-worker with a manager to witness

Talk about the co-worker behind their back

What is privately have a conversation with the co-worker with a manager to witness? 

The average person spends ____________.

Five days a week at work

One-Third of his or her life at work

40 hours per week at work

What is one-third of his or her life at work? 

List two agencies that can assist you with getting a job:

Department of Social Services and Social Security Administration

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Security Commission

Food Lion and Bojangles

What is Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Security Commission?