Saturday Morning
Saturday Afternoon
Saturday Evening
Sunday Morning
Sunday Afternoon

This substance is very unstable and was compared to the Church of Jesus Christ.

What is nitroglycerin?


This person helped Elder Villar escape the tossing of the waves.

Who is his brother?


This prophet is still working with us and is part of the Heavenly Priesthood.

Who is Joseph Smith?


Elder Wilcox loving urged the youth to, "...[not] let the world change you when you were meant to change," this place.

What is the world?


Elder Uchtdorf compares our testimony to this object.

What is a tree?


We can seek to be holy like this Person is holy.

Who is Jesus Christ?


Elder Kearon invites us to show more of this state of mind and heart in our Sacrament meetings.

What is joy?


A thief became converted after stealing and reading this object.

What is the Book of Mormon?


Elder Wilcox encourages the youth of the Church to not sell this.

What is their birthright?


Bishop Budge taught about Japanese symbols that help us better understand being this way.

What is being still?


This is the instrument through which we learn who Christ is and gives us access to His power.

What is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?


Elder Kearon ended his talk by saying, "Welcome to the Church of [this state of being]."

What is joy?


To avoid pride, Elder Bednar invites us to do the little things daily that we may become as this age group of people.

What is little children?


President Eyring encourages us to teach this in order to be more powerful in our teaching experiences.

What is pure doctrine?


President Nelson taught that every sincere seeker of Christ will find Him in this place.

What is the Temple?

This section in D&C was one directed to Emma Smith and taught her that she was an elect lady.

What is Section 25?


Elder Buckner compared us sitting in Church and being Christians to someone sitting in this place and becoming a car.

What is a garage?


This quality + work, + sincerity of heart = fruit meet for repentance.

What is humility?


President Eyring urges us to "seize every opportunity to teach the teachings of Christ" to these people.

What is children?


When the Nigerian soccer team learned to avoid this, they were able to focus on winning and ended up winning gold medals.

What is distraction?


By this power we are made elect and someday kings and queens.

What is the Priesthood?


Elder Goury compared cleaning this object to daily repentance.

What is his wife's hearing aides?


Elder Gong encourages us to rejoice in this amidst the thistles and thorns.

What is daily bread?


Elder Stevenson taught us that we can share the Gospel by letting others see this in us.

What is the joy we have?


Elder Alliaud taught that this may have been a distraction from Satan's attempt to lie about Moses' divine nature.

What is Satan's demand that Moses worship him?