Fact or Opinion
Cause and Effect
Author's Purpose
Charts and graphs are an easy way to read data. Fact or Opinion
What can you infer from this statement? Trees are blown over, the ditches are full of rain water, homes are flooded and the electricity is off. A. There was a big party at your house yesterday. B. There was a hurricane. C. There was a snowstorm. D. It was a sunny day.
B. There was a hurricane.
Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood. What is the EFFECT? A. Floods can cause a lot of damage B. Floods happen in many areas without warning. C. Floods are strong and unpredictable. D. Flood damage is devastating
A. Floods can cause a lot of damage
When an author tells a story or describes imaginary characters, places or events he/she is writing to A. entertain B. persuade C. sing D. inform
A. entertain
What is theme? A. the problem in the story B. time, place, and duration in a story C. the development of the central conflict and resolution D. the central message or idea about life
D. the central message or idea about life
(1)I like the season of winter the best. (2)We get to play in the snow and make snowmen. (3)Winter is the coldest season.(4) My favorite thing to do in winter is have a snowball fight. I love the wintertime! Which sentence is a fact
Sentence 3
2. What might happen if you place a lit candle under a glass jar? A. The flame will eventually go out. B. The flame will get bigger. C. The wax in the candle will change colors. D. The candle will stay the same.
A. The flame will eventually go out.
Frank Jones loves going fishing. One Saturday afternoon, he went fishing and caught a humongous fish. However, the fish got away because Frank hadn't tied the string tight enough and it broke. What was the cause of the fish getting away? A. The string wasn't tight enough and it broke. B. The hook broke. C. A screw came out of the rod. D. The fish got away E. Nina had the worst day of her life
A. The string wasn't tight enough and it broke.
The spaceship landed in the middle of the playground. Everyone froze. No one dared to speak or move. Suddenly, a little door on the bottom of the craft opened. The people didn't know whether to run or stay, so they just watched to see what would happen next. Suddenly a small green creature appeared and looked around at the startled people. He looked as surprised to see them as they were to see him. "Oops," he said. "Wrong planet!" He then turned around and scampered back into his ship and shut the door. Suddenly there was a whoosh and the ship disappeared. The people looked at each other, shrugged and the children started playing again. The purpose of this article is to: A. Inform B. Persuade C. Entertain D. Impress
C. Entertain
What does it mean when a theme is stated? A. You say the theme out loud. B. Someone else says the theme out loud. C. The author tells the reader directly what the theme of the story is. D. All of these. E. None of these.
C. The author tells the reader directly what the theme of the story is.
Calculators can sometimes help you in math. Fact or opinion
Many breeds of dogs are used for work. In many cultures dogs are used to herd sheep. The dogs keep the flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves. They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs are known for their loyalty and gentleness. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that: A. Sheepdogs are not very smart dogs. B. Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal. C. There are many breeds of dogs. D. Wolves are afraid of sheepdogs.
D. Wolves are afraid of sheepdogs.
Last weekend Elianna was so excited about playing on the beach. She played in the water, built sand castles and picked up seashells. Because she forgot to put on sunscreen, at the end of the day she felt very hot, her skin was as red as fire, she couldn't stand to touch it. She was sunburned! What caused Elianna to get sunburned? A. The beach was near her house. B. It was raining outside all day. C. She forgot to eat bananas before she went to the beach. D. She forgot to put on sunscreen.
D. She forgot to put on sunscreen.
Tomatoes were once considered poisonous. Some brave people finally took a bite of a tomato, and they survived. Now, we use tomatoes in our salads and sandwiches. Do you ever use tomato sauce or ketchup? These products are made of tomatoes. If it weren't for these brave individuals, you might not be able to enjoy ketchup with your french-fries. The author's purpose is to: A. entertain B. persuade C. inform D. confuse
C. Inform
The Flies and the Honey Pot A number of flies were attracted to a jar of honey which had been overturned in a housekeeper's room, and placing their feet in it, ate greedily. Their feet, however, became so smeared with the honey that they could not use their wings, nor release themselves, and were suffocated. What is the theme of this story? A. There is a price for greed. B. Honey is very sticky. C. Don't be a follower. D. Sweets are not good for you.
A. There is a price for greed.
Decide whether the statement below is a fact or opinion. Belgium's win sets up a World Cup quarter-final clash with Argentina, and no doubt plenty of Americans will tune in.
Kay threw her bike down wherever she stopped. More than once she had left her bicycle in the driveway. Several times her dad had pointed out what could happen when she did this. One morning as her dad was leaving for work, Kay heard a crashing sound outside. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that: A. Kay rode her bike often. B. Kay learned a lesson from her mistake. C. Kay's dad ran over her bike. D. Her bike was stolen from the garage.
C. Kay's dad ran over her bike.
There may not be an exact formula for creating a strong family, but one thing is sure: some factors are more important than others. Money, popularity, and fancy clothes don't make a happy family. Communication, love, and understanding do. A family is built not by what is on the outside, but by what is on the inside. According to the paragraph, communication is one of the reasons why A. there are happy families. B. a family is popular. C. we love each other. D. we know what fancy clothes we need to wear.
A. there are happy families.
Friday and Saturday only! Buy Top Brand lunchboxes now! Go green with these reusable containers! Save money at school and at work by packing your meals. Our lunchboxes are economical, practical, and good for the earth. Available in the latest colors! Select neon blue, lime green, brick red, sunny yellow, or camel tan. Buy one for each member of your family and save even more! Top Brand lunchboxes are on sale this weekend only for $11.99, or three for $35.00. Everyone wants Top Brand lunchboxes! What is the author's purpose of this writing? A. to inform B. to persuade C. to entertain D. to express personal feelings
B. To persuade
Travis was having a really bad day. He was being rude to everyone. He pushed Frederick on his way to class, and even threw Michael's books out of his hands. When it came time to go to the in-school game Travis got to the concession stand and ordered a hot dog and soda. As Travis waited for his snacks, he sunk his hand into his pocket only to find that he had lost his money. He turned to see that Michael was laughing at him. What would be an appropriate theme for this passage? A. Everything always works out. B. You should be nice to people, even if they are mean to you. C. What goes around comes around. D. Always have extra money.
C. What goes around comes around.
Decide whether the statement below is a fact or opinion. Facebook also looked at how fans from around the world referred to soccer. The most common was soccer, followed by football, fĂștbol, futebol and futbol.
If it is raining, my feet will get wet. If the sprinklers outside my office are on, my feet will get wet. Based on the information above, which of the following MUST be true? A. If my feet are wet, it was raining and the sprinklers outside my office were on. B. If my feet are wet, then the sprinklers outside my office were on C. If it is not raining, my feet will not get wet D.If it is not raining, the sprinklers outside my office are on E. If my feet are not wet, it is not raining and the sprinklers outside my office are off
E. If my feet are not wet, it is not raining and the sprinklers outside my office are off
Hurricanes begin when the weather conditions are just right for a cluster of thunderstorms to form over a tropical ocean. If such a cluster remains long enough, it organizes into a tropical depression, with winds of up to 42 miles per hour. If a tropical depression increases to winds of 43 to 74 miles per hour, it is a tropical storm. A tropical storm is given a name and watched closely, by satellite, to see if it gets worse and begins to have the telltale circular shape of a hurricane. If the air pressure continues to drop, the wind rises to above 75 miles per hour, and a true hurricane is born. Which of the following causes weather forecasters to say a storm has become a hurricane? A. A cluster of thunderstorms form over a tropical ocean. B. A cluster begins to organize into a tropical depression. C. Winds increase to over 75 miles per hour. D. Winds increase to 23 to 42 miles an hour.
C. Winds increase to over 75 miles per hour.
Calligraphy is a form of handwriting . A special pen must be used. Letters are formed using up and down strokes. Most old documents were written in this form. Diplomas, certificates, and other awards are often written in calligraphy. What is the purpose of this passage? A. persuade B. entertain C. inform D. describe
C. inform
Caleb was having a really bad day. He was being rude to everyone. He pushed Frederick on his way to class, and even threw Michael's books out of his hands. When it came time to go to the in-school game Caleb got to the concession stand and ordered a hot dog and soda. As Caleb waited for his snacks, he sunk his hand into his pocket only to find that he had lost his money. He turned to see that Michael was laughing at him. What would be an appropriate theme for this passage? A. Everything always works out B. You should be nice to people, even if they are mean to you C. You should be nice to people, you never know who you may need. D. You should always have extra money
C. You should be nice to people, you never know who you may need.