2.30 Weapons/Metal Screening
2.35 Off Campus Response
2.36 Lock Removal
2.37 Controlled Substances
2.38 Patient Restraint


“Restricted Items” are items that pose a potential risk of harm to self or others and include? Please list them.




all medications not prescribed by the present care team, illegal drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances; matches, lighters, or other flame sources;
knives/cutting instruments with blade length of 4.5 inches or smaller, or other items that readily lend themselves to use as weapons.





Security Personnel leaving the Medical Center main campus will notify




On duty Security Supervisor for approval. Except in response to an actively occurring security event dispatched by the Emergency Communications




When responding to a lock cutoff, what items should you take?

1. Bolt Cutters

2. Lock Cutoff Form


All collection and disposal of illegal controlled substances must be witnessed by?                                                   



Two parties as protection to Security personnel and staff. Security’s destruction should be witnessed by a staff member, preferably the member reporting the discovery.                                                    







In accordance with Nursing Policy, Security Staff will provide what action during the restraint process?



Security Staff will provide assistance in controlling a patient’s extremities as nursing/medical staff applies appropriate device(s) or renders defined treatment. Security personnel will not engage in the actual application of devices.




For the purpose of this policy. What is considered a Weapon?



Any Firearm/knife, cutting instrument with a blade length exceeding 4.5 inches, regardless of intended use, is considered a weapon for the purpose of this policy.




                     Contact / Confrontation

What should officers not do when off campus?                                   


Personnel will not directly confront persons when off campus/property and will maintain a safe distance to avoid the chance of confrontation.                    
 If the involved person(s) attempts to provoke contact/confrontation, the officer will take evasive actions to avoid direct contact.                    







Responding personnel will identify the owner of the lock to be removed as well as who?




A third party to witness the request. Names of the requesting party and witness will be provided to the ECC for documentation in call notes.




Green Leafly substances (Small amounts less than one ounce) may be disposed how?                                                    



via the septic system by flushing. Only the substance itself will be flushed; packaging and containers will not be discarded via the septic system.                                                    




 Personnel should utilize what type of approach when restaining a patient?                                           



Team Approach


What is considered Contraband?


Contraband – Items unlawful to possess based on current federal, state, or local laws such as illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, fireworks, etc.




 If a confrontation is unavoidable, how should the officer respond?                  



Officer’s will defend themselves and/or as defined by state statutes and WFUBMC Security protocols.                    





Locks which are the property of the Medical Center will not be removed without approval of who?



A unit manager or director unless specifically approved by a Security Supervisor. Names of parties authorizing removal will be provided to the ECC for entry as a call note.




Pills, powders, or unidentifiable substances will be disposed how?

Chemical waste container located in the unit.


Involved personnel should follow the direction of  who when restraining a patient.                                         



Designated leader, which is typically medical staff.                                            





For the purposes of entry screening, the focus of inspection will be directed on what?




Any weapon (firearm, knife, cutting instrument, Taser, mace, etc.), restricted items or contraband 




What is Security personnel’s main function when leaving the property for a security occurrence?                   



Observe and report. The responding agency (WSPD and/or Forsyth County EMS) will handle contact with the individual.                                                         Nothing in this protocol shall be interpreted to prohibit, or delay, the rendering of medical aid to any person when it can be safely performed. Personnel are expected to utilize reasonable judgment in consideration of the totality of the circumstances with full regard to safety of self and others.







Personnel will use care to remove locks in a manner that does not damage property other than the lock being removed. Security Personnel may choose to do what?




Personnel may decline to remove a lock if determined that removal cannot be conducted safely or will result in extensive damage.




Class objects, Pipes, Syringes, etc... Should be disposed of where?

Nearest Sharps Container.


Security personnel will remove what items during a restraining call?                                          



Objects or personal equipment that could be removed by a patient and cause harm such as radios, ties, pens, ID cards, etc.                                            




Who are authorized to possess weapons (as defined by agency standards) on Medical Center property.



Only law enforcement personnel with appropriate jurisdiction.  




Supervisors monitoring off-site activity may direct involved personnel to do what?                                         



Return to property as deemed appropriate. Personnel will comply with all directions to return to property.                                            




 If any unintended damage resulting from lock removal occurs, what steps should follow?



Personnel will notify a Security Supervisor of any unintended damage resulting from lock removal. Personnel will obtain photographs of the damage and initiate a report via ECOMM in incidents of unintended property damage.




Who will be notified of amounts exceeding one ounce.                                                    



Security Administration will be notified of amounts exceeding one ounce. Based on the circumstances, quantities exceeding one ounce may be stored in the Security Services Evidence Room for possible collection/destruction by law enforcement.                        




The use of handcuffs on patients as a medical restraint device is prohibited. While not desired, the use of handcuffs will only be used when?





Clearly necessary to temporarily restrain a patient in prevention of serious bodily injury, typically in the absence or effectiveness of normal medical restraints.