Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

This type of aging states: biological aging but does not happen the same for all 

What is nongenetic aging?


Abnormal changes in organ systems; Experienced by some individuals but not all; Associated with disease, impairment, or disability; Frequently preventable through lifestyle changes

What is secondary aging?


This contradicts which myth? This varies with the individual; Do not make assumptions that all older adults want a quiet lifestyle; Continuing a vibrant lifestyle and staying active are key to healthy psychological aging.

What is (Myth #6): Elders prefer quiet and tranquil daily lives.


This is the leading cause of death for individuals 85 years and older in 2013?

What is cardiac disease?


AOTA’s effort to articulate language which best describes OT’s focus

What is the OTPF? 


Occurs when there is not a clear idea of the skills and knowledge of COTAs; Occurs when COTAs are not permitted to fully contribute throughout the entire spectrum of OT services

What is underutilization? 


This theory states: Organisms live within a limited space and time as an explanation for aging and ultimately death

What is programmed aging? (Biological Theory)


Includes: Decrease in number of hair follicles; Decrease in the production of melanin; Loss of collagen, elastin, proteins; Thinning of epidermis

What are aging changes for the integumentary system?


This Occurs when people perceive that they have no control over their lives and must depend on others.

What is learned helplessness?


This health risk factor results when people engage in too much of the same type of activity resulting in decreased health and well-being. 

What is occupational balance?


According to the Cognitive Disabilities model, this level is normal cognitive performance.

What is Level 6?


A Practice Setting: Possible Diagnoses: dementia, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia; Usually admitted from home; Family members can no longer cope with behaviors or level of care needed; includes Combination of physical rehab and mental health; includes ­Group therapy and ­Client/Family education

What is a Geropsychiatric Unit?


This theory states: Unexpected chromosomal changes occur and result in replication mistakes.

What is mutation theory? (Biological Theory)


Successful adaptation and continued participation in life through the aging process

What is optimal aging?


This myth supports: “Senior moment” infers to an idea that as one ages, memory lapses become commonplace; When elders appear confused or require more time for directions, increased time

What is (Myth #7): All elders become senile?


This type of Prevention attempts to lessen the progression of existing conditions; Relates to the functional assessment and rehabilitation both to reverse and prevent the progression of the burden of illness

What is tertiary prevention? 


Observing voluntary motor actions such as ADL’s or crafts is of interest to OT practitioners because of the inferences that can be made about brain function

What is Cognitive Disabilities Model? 


The percentage of OTAs who work in skilled nursing facilities.

What is 35%?


This theory states Elders need and desire social activities and roles for satisfaction in life.

What is the Activity Theory? (Social Theory)


Impairments in these systems  have safety implications; Medical conditions, viruses, and medication can all be contributors to alterations in the functioning of these systems. 

What are the changes to olfactory and gustatory system based on aging? 


This contradicts which myth: The aging process varies with each individual, and each person has different perceptions about it; Treat elders as individuals within their own particular contexts, history, and circumstances.

What is (Myth #1): Chronological age determines the way an elder acts and feels.


“Any planned combination of educational, political, regulatory, environmental, and organizational supports for actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of persons, groups, or communities.”

What is health promotion? 


This MOHO subsystem includes  the Complex interplay among the musculoskeletal, neurological, perceptual, and cognitive abilities needed to perform an occupation; it also Includes interaction with the environment

What is the mind-brain-body performance subsystem? 


In this setting:  Clients often have secondary complications; Self-care tasks especially important; Adaptations/modifications to increase independence; Weekly team meetings, collaboration with other professionals, working with restorative aides;  Trends in this setting involve public policy changes and Medicare reimbursement changes

What is a skilled nursing facility? 


This theory states: CNS is the starting point for aging in the body.

What is Neuroendocrine theory?


Changes include: Effective gas exchange is compromised by a decrease in lung volume; Loss of elasticity occurs in the lungs and in the medium and small airways; Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal changes increase the effort required to breathe.

What are changes to the pulmonary system due to aging? 


This contradicts which myth? Many elders are receptive to new ideas and accept fresh roles; Adults learn continuously from their life experiences and may pursue new interests and goals.

What is (Myth #5): Elders become more conservative as they age?


The Loss in the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) functions as a result of a sedentary lifestyle disability; Approximately 30% of elders living in the community experience difficulty completing one or more ADLs because of health-related problems.

What is disuse syndrome? 


This model Provides an explanation for the way occupation is motivated, organized and performed and Depicts the close relationship between the environment and occupation

What is the Model of Human Occupation?


A Requirement of most regulatory boards, employers, and accrediting bodies, and consumers; lifelong learners

What is continued competence? 


This theory states: System-wide dysfunction in relation to neuromuscular, cardiovascular and other age-related declines as cells, tissue and organs deteriorate

What is free radical theory? (Biological Theory)


An optimal state attained by avoiding disease and disability, maintaining high cognitive and physical functioning, and continuing to be actively engaged with life

What is successful aging?


Some Examples include retirement, serious illness, healthcare policy management, and death of a loved one

What are stressors that affect elders?


This health risk factor occurs when people are unable to meet basic occupational needs or when tasks or work are perceived as meaningless or boring. 

What is occupational alienation? 


OT practitioner’s role is “concerned with facilitating or promoting optimal growth and development in all ages of man”.

What is facilitating growth and development? 


In this setting the Focus is to maximize functional abilities; Often viewed as the most cost effective; ­COTA’s role may involve:­Specialty in hand therapy, development of home programs, emphasis outside of basic self-care

What is Outpatient Rehabilitation?


This theory states People withdraw from roles or responsibilities and reduce their activity levels or involvement.Inward reflection and increasing preoccupation with self can result in this decreasing involvement with others.

What is the Disengagement Theory? (Psychosocial Theory)


Changes include: Epithelial barriers of the skin, lungs, and digestive tract break down; makes elders more susceptible to pathogens;  risk of acquiring infections is increased; Aging has suppressant effect on vaccines; makes them less effective.

What are changes to the immune system due to aging?


This contradicts which myth? The ability to learn does not decline with age; Elder adults learn differently than children or young adults do.

What is (Myth #2): You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.


This may be defined as the “ability to live and function effectively in society and to exercise self-reliance and autonomy to maximum extent feasible, but not necessarily as total freedom from disease.”

What is health?


This subsystem of MOHO is Responsible for guiding the individual through occupation choices throughout the day. It includes Personal causation: awareness individuals have of their abilities and the individual’s perceptions that they have control over their own behavior and Values and Interests

What is the volition subsystem?


Two examples of this are  adult foster homes and assisted living facilities

What are emerging practice settings?


This theory looks at the developmental changes throughout life and adaptations to cognitive, emotional and behavioral factors.

What is Lifespan or Life Course Perspectives/Theory? (Social Theory)


Age-associated loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) involves decrements in both the number of muscle fibers and the size of the fibers, which affect the strength of the muscle contraction.

What are changes to the skeletal system due to aging?


This contradicts which myth? 

Work assists in regulating life activities and providing meaningful life experiences associated with identity, financial security, status, and opportunities for socialization; Retirement changes this, and elders must find other activities to replace work life; Many seniors continue to work past age 65 years.

What is (Myth #4): Elders are not productive, especially at work.


This health risk factor results when factors or conditions outside the elder's control limit an individual's choice or opportunity (i.e. poor health, disability, poverty)

What is occupational deprivation? 


According to the Cognitive Disabilities model this level is the greatest degree of impairment

What is Level 1?


In this setting: ­Traveling involved; ­Must have strong clinical and communication skills; Working in the client’s actual home; Collaborate with the client to figure out what works

What is Home Health? 


This type of aging states: aging is related to genes or DNA

What is genetic aging? 


Changes include: Reduction in information processing and psychomotor speed; Deficits in tasks requiring abstraction, set shifting, and divided attention; Declines in fluid intelligence

What are cognitive changes due to aging?


There may be an increase in this as friends and family pass away, move, or retire.

What is social isolation?


This type of prevention is defined as: “Identification and treatment of persons with early, minimally symptomatic disease to improve outcomes and maintain health.”

What is secondary health prevention? 


According to this Model, OT practitioners design treatment strategies to maximize the client’s abilities, select variety of activities that match the clients characteristics at their cognitive level; and Structure the environment to support the client’s functioning

What is the Cognitive Disabilities Model? 


In this role, the OTA Oversees the therapy department; Scheduling of therapy; Coordinating the training and supervision of the employees; Maintaining communication between the various disciplines

What is the Director of Therapy Services? 


This theory states: Cumulative damage to vital parts of the body leads to death of cells, tissues, organs, and finally the organism

What is the wear and tear theory? (Biological Theory)


Normal gradual changes in organ systems; Experienced by everyone; Not associated with disease, impairment, or disability

What is primary aging? 


This may affect the way you treat elders and the way they will respond to you. Often negative.

What are Stereotypes?


The result of doing these things...Experiencing a sense of control over one’s life; Participating in a social network of family and friends; Exercising regularly; Engaging one’s mind in complex cognitive activities; Receiving preventative medical treatment

What is successful aging?


Activities that are combined with social interaction are the most beneficial; OT intervention should continue until the client reaches sufficient competence in performing the skills and activities described as developmentally appropriate.

What is Facilitating Growth and Development? 


This occurs when COTAs are asked to contribute to the OT process beyond the scope of their education and qualifications; Includes Accepting referrals, conducting initial evaluation,  and interpreting evaluation information

What is Overutilization?


This theory states Elders adapt to changes by using strategies to maintain continuity in their lives.

What is continuity theory? (Social theory)


Changes include: Fatty tissue builds up in the heart and surrounding area; Number of pacemaker cells declines; Arterial walls become thicker, more rigid, dilated, elongated, and twisted; Stroke volume, maximum heart rate, and cardiac output decrease.

What are cardiovascular changes due to aging?


This contradicts which myth? Intelligence does not decline with age; IQ scores increase until the late twenties and then level off and remain unchanged until late in life; Continued intellectual stimulation promotes successful aging.

What is (Myth #3): As you age, you naturally become older and wiser.


This type of prevention includes strategies that reduce risk for disease before its onset.

What is primary prevention? 


This subsystem of MOHO includes The routine activities of daily life, Requires little deliberation, is Built on repetition, and is Composed of habits and internalized roles

What is the Habituation System? 


In this practice setting: Goal is to Maximize functional abilities ; Client-centered treatment; patient must Tolerate 3 hours of therapy/day; Documentation very important; lots of Collaboration with other professionals

What is inpatient rehabilitation?