Numbers & Names
Seventies, Presiding Bishopric, & Others
Who Said That?
In the natural disaster cleanup areas, what is it that Elder Henry B. Eyring said he had heard a report that some have started calling the Latter-day Saints who are wearing yellow Helping Hands T-shirts?
“The Yellow Angels.”
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell of the Presiding Bishopric told a story about taking a romantic, moonlit walk on the beach with this person. Who was that person?
His mother-in-law. Bishop Waddell said, "There will be times in our lives when we find ourselves on an unexpected path, facing circumstances much more severe than a disrupted vacation." He then related the following story. On June 6, 1944, Hyrum Shumway, a young second lieutenant in the United States Army, went ashore at Omaha Beach as part of the D-day invasion. He made it safely through the landing, but on July 27, as part of the Allied advance, he was severely injured by an exploding anti-tank mine. In an instant, his life and future medical career had been dramatically impacted. Following multiple surgeries, which helped him recover from most of his serious injuries, Brother Shumway never did regain his sight. How would he respond? Following three years in a rehabilitation hospital, he returned home to Lovell, Wyoming. He knew that his dream of becoming a medical doctor was no longer possible, but he was determined to move ahead, get married, and support a family. He eventually found work in Baltimore, Maryland, as a rehab counselor and employment specialist for the blind. In his own rehabilitation process, he had learned that the blind are capable of much more than he had realized, and during his eight years in this position, he placed more blind people into employment than any other counselor in the nation. Now confident in his ability to provide for a family, Hyrum proposed to his sweetheart by telling her, “If you will read the mail, sort the socks, and drive the car, I can do the rest.” They were soon sealed in the Salt Lake Temple and ultimately blessed with eight children. In 1954 the Shumways returned to Wyoming, where Brother Shumway worked for 32 years as the State Director of Education for the Deaf and Blind. During that time, he served for seven years as bishop of the Cheyenne First Ward and, later, 17 years as stake patriarch. Following his retirement, Brother and Sister Shumway also served as a senior couple in the London England South Mission. Hyrum Shumway passed away in March 2011, leaving behind a legacy of faith and trust in the Lord, even under trying conditions, to his large posterity of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Elder Quentin L. Cook started his talk, Since my service in the British Mission as a young man, I have enjoyed British humor. It is sometimes characterized by a self-deprecating, modest, humble approach to life. An example of this is how summer is portrayed. British summers are relatively short and unpredictable. As one author in a low-key way said, “I love the British summer, it’s my favourite [what] of the year.”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, "Brothers and sisters, every one of us aspires to a more Christlike life than we often succeed in living. If we admit that honestly and are trying to improve, we are not hypocrites; we are [what].
human Elder Holland continued, "May we refuse to let our own mortal follies, and the inevitable shortcomings of even the best men and women around us, make us cynical about the truths of the gospel, the truthfulness of the Church, our hope for our future, or the possibility of godliness. If we persevere, then somewhere in eternity our refinement will be finished and complete—which is the New Testament meaning of perfection."
"The best days are ahead for the kingdom of God on the earth. Opposition will strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, as it has since the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Faith always defeats fear. Standing together produces unity. And your prayers for those in need are heard and answered by a loving God. He neither slumbers nor does He sleep." Hint: Sunday Morning Session
President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency
Elder Craig W. Zwick told the story of Beau Richey who was tragically killed in an ATV accident in Colorado. At the hospital a police officer entered the room and handed Beau’s cell phone to his mother. As she took the phone, an audible alarm sounded. She opened the phone and saw Beau’s daily alarm. What did the alarm say?
“Remember to put Jesus Christ at the center of your life today.” Beau’s focus on his Redeemer does not lessen his loved ones’ sorrow in his absence. However, it gives great hope and meaning to Beau’s life and life choices. It allows his family and friends to look beyond only the grief of his early death to the joyful realities of the next life. What a tender mercy for Beau’s parents to see through their son’s eyes the thing he most prized.
This mission president had his eyes opened to “looking beyond what I could see”. He related the following story: A young elder arrived with apprehension in his eyes. As we met in an interview, he said dejectedly, “I want to go home.” I thought to myself, “Well, we can fix this.” I counseled him to work hard and to pray about it for a week and then call me. A week later, almost to the minute, he called. He still wanted to go home. I again counseled him to pray, to work hard, and to call me in a week. In our next interview, things had not changed. He insisted on going home. I just wasn’t going to let that happen. I began teaching him about the sacred nature of his call. I encouraged him to “forget [himself] and go to work.” But no matter what formula I offered, his mind did not change. It finally occurred to me that I might not have the whole picture. It was then that I felt a prompting to ask him the question: “Elder, what is hard for you?” What he said pierced my heart: “President, I can’t read.” The wise counsel which I thought was so important for him to hear was not at all relevant to his needs. What he needed most was for me to look beyond my hasty assessment and allow the Spirit to help me understand what was really on this elder’s mind. He needed me to see him correctly and offer a reason to hope. Instead, I acted like a giant demolition wrecking ball. This valiant elder did learn to read and became a very pure disciple of Jesus Christ. He opened my eyes to the Lord’s words: “For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Who was this mission president?
W. Craig Zwick
According to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, how much does 10,000 talents compare to in our modern US Currency?
There is some difference of opinion among scholars regarding the monetary values mentioned here—and forgive the U.S. monetary reference—but to make the math easy, if the smaller, unforgiven 100-pence debt were, say, $100 in current times, then the 10,000-talent debt so freely forgiven would have approached $1 billion—or more!
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency spoke about God being able to use us. Perhaps you don’t consider yourself all that useful; perhaps you don’t consider yourself a blessing in somebody’s life. Often, when we look at ourselves, we see only our limitations and deficiencies. We might think we have to be “more” of something for God to use us—more intelligent, more wealthy, more charismatic, more talented, more spiritual. Blessings will come not so much because of your abilities but because of your [what?]. And the God of the universe will work within and through you, magnifying your humble efforts for His purposes. His work has always advanced on this important principle: “Out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”
This apostle spoke about spiritual eclipses.
What did Elder Gary E. Stevenson, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speak about in conference?
Elder Ballard told of his grandmother Margaret McNeil Ballard who served at the side of her husband, Henry, as he presided as bishop of the Logan Second Ward for ___ years. Margaret was the ward Relief Society president for ___ of those years. She took into their home the poor, the sick, and the widowed and orphaned, and she even clothed the dead in their clean temple robes. How many years did they serve?
Henry served 40 years as bishop. Margaret served 30 years as Relief Society president.
Who discussed the Prophet Joseph Smith and his miraculous translation of the Book of Mormon
Tad R. Callister, Sunday School General President Elder Callister mentioned the following. First, the critics must explain how Joseph Smith, a 23-year-old farm boy with limited education, created a book with hundreds of unique names and places, as well as detailed stories and events. Accordingly, many critics propose that he was a creative genius who relied upon numerous books and other local resources to create the historical content of the Book of Mormon. But contrary to their assertion, there is not a solitary witness who claims to have seen Joseph with any of these alleged resources before the translation began. did Joseph produce a book that radiates with the Spirit, and where did he get such profound doctrine, much of which clarifies or contradicts the Christian beliefs of his time? If Joseph were not a prophet, then in order to account for these and many other remarkable doctrinal insights, the critics must make the argument that he was also a theological genius. But if that were the case, one might ask: why was Joseph the only one in the 1,800 years following Christ’s ministry to produce such a breadth of unique and clarifying doctrines? Because it was revelation, not brilliance, that was the source of this book. President Russell M. Nelson, an experienced and skilled writer, shared that he had over 40 rewrites of a recent general conference talk. Are we now to believe that Joseph Smith, on his own, dictated the entire Book of Mormon in a single draft with mainly minor grammatical changes made thereafter? Joseph’s wife Emma confirmed the impossibility of such an undertaking: “Joseph Smith [as a young man] could neither write nor dictate a coherent and well-worded letter; let alone dictat[e] a book like the Book of Mormon.” And finally, even if one accepts all of the foregoing arguments, dubious as they may be, the critics still face another looming obstacle. Joseph claimed that the Book of Mormon was written on golden plates. This claim received unrelenting criticism in his day—for “everyone” knew that ancient histories were written on papyrus or parchment, until years later, when metal plates with ancient writings were discovered. In addition, the critics claimed that the use of cement, as described in the Book of Mormon, was beyond the technical expertise of these early Americans—until cement structures were found in ancient America. How do the critics now account for these and similar unlikely discoveries? Joseph, you see, must also have been a very, very lucky guesser. Somehow, in spite of all the odds against him, against all existing scientific and academic knowledge, he guessed right when all the others were wrong.
Elder Russel M. Nelson said, "Since President Monson’s challenge six months ago, I have tried to follow his counsel. Among other things, I’ve made lists... Looking at the Book of Mormon through these lenses has been an insightful and inspiring exercise! I recommend it to each of you." What where at least two of the lists?
1. What the Book of Mormon is? 2. What it affirms? 3. What it refutes? 4. What it fulfills? 5. What it clarifies? 6. What it reveals?
In the Saturday morning session, Bonnie L Oscarson speaking to the youth of the Church said, "Young women and young men, next time you are at Mutual, instead of picking up your phone to see what your friends are doing, stop, look around, and ask yourself, [what]"
“Who needs me today?” Sister Oscarson continues, "You may be the key to reaching out and touching the life of a peer or to giving encouragement to a friend who is quietly struggling."
I promise that as you hear the voice of the Lord to you in the teachings of this general conference, and then act on those promptings, you will feel heaven’s hand upon you, and your life and the lives of those around you will be blessed. Hint: He was the conference's concluding speaker.
Elder Neil L. Andersen, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Elder Oaks talked about the percentage of United States children born to a mother not married to the father. In 1960 it was 5%, in 1995 it was 32%, and today it is over what percentage?
Elder Stanley G. Ellis quoted President Thomas S. Monson saying, “May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.” Continuing Elder Ellis said, "In the world of nature, hard is part of the circle of life. It is hard for a baby chick to hatch out of that tough eggshell. But when someone tries to make it easier, the chick does not develop the strength necessary to live. In a similar way, the struggle of a butterfly to escape the cocoon strengthens it for the life it will live. Through these examples, we see that _________ is the constant! We all have challenges. The variable is our reaction... What is the constant?
Hard. Hard makes us stronger, humbles us, and gives us a chance to prove ourselves.
Elder Dallan H. Oaks said, Forty years ago, President Ezra Taft Benson taught that “every generation has its tests and its chance to stand and prove itself.” Elder Oaks then said, "I believe our attitude toward and use of [this] is one of those tests for this generation." To what was he referring?
The Family: A Proclamation to the World.
He said, "We live in a day in which misinformation about our beliefs abounds. In times such as these, a failure to protect and deepen our spiritual roots is an invitation to have them gnawed at by those who seek to destroy our faith in Christ and our belief in His restored Church." Hint: He's from New Zealand.
Who is Elder Ian S. Ardern, of the Seventy?
In 1986 someone addressed Elder Russel M. Nelson saying, “You could have given me diamonds or rubies, but nothing is more precious to me than this additional knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ.” Who said this?
An African tribal king. After my lecture, the king made his way directly to me, but this time without his linguist. To my surprise, he spoke in perfect English—the Queen’s English, I might add! The king seemed puzzled. “Just who are you?” he asked. I replied, “I am an ordained Apostle of Jesus Christ.” The king asked, “What can you teach me about Jesus Christ?” I responded with a question: “May I ask what you already know about Him?” The king’s response revealed he was a serious student of the Bible and one who loved the Lord. I then asked if he knew about the ministry of Jesus Christ to the people of ancient America. As I expected, he did not. I explained that after the Savior’s Crucifixion and Resurrection, He came to the people of ancient America, where He taught His gospel. He organized His Church and asked His disciples to keep a record of His ministry among them. “That record,” I continued, “is what we know as the Book of Mormon. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is a companion scripture to the Holy Bible.” At this point, the king became very interested. I turned to the mission president accompanying me and asked if he had an extra copy of the Book of Mormon with him. He pulled one from his briefcase. I opened it to 3 Nephi chapter 11, and together the king and I read the Savior’s sermon to the Nephites. I then presented the copy of the Book of Mormon to him. His response lodged in my mind and heart forever: “You could have given me diamonds or rubies, but nothing is more precious to me than this additional knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ.”
How many different ties did President Uchtdorf wear throughout the conference?
5 Elder Uchtdorf said, "It is kind of a family tradition that started years ago when between conference sessions, I stained my tie and worriedly searched for a replacement. Fortunately, I had one in my office. My grandsons enjoyed it so much that they changed their ties too, and since then it became almost a sport to do it."
He spoke about "integrity of heart" in the General Priesthood session and stated, "Being a man of integrity simply means your intentions, as well as your actions, are pure and righteous in all aspects of your life, both in public and in private."
Elder Richard J. Maynes of the Seventy
Which apostle was at Elder Robert D. Hales' bedside as he passed away just after the Sunday morning session?
Russell M Nelson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve
She said, "Ask your Heavenly Father to show you those around you who need your help and to inspire you on how to best serve them. Remember that the Savior most often ministered to one person at a time." Later she quoted President Spencer W. Kimball, “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.”
What did Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson ask us to ask Heavenly Father?
He said, "Joseph, you see, must also have been a very, very lucky guesser."
What did Tad R. Callister, the Sunday School General President say about Joseph Smith Jr.'s guessing abilities?