Through platforms like Gofundme and Kickstarter, causes or projects can raise money from the general public, a practice called this.
What is crowdfunding?
For the first time, climate scientists won the Physics prize, for calculations that accurately predicted this part of climate change that affects temperature.
What is global warming?
In 2007, the USPS began selling stamps with this word on them, indicating they would always be valid for first-class mail regardless of future price changes.
What is forever?
The number of teaspoons in a tablespoon.
What is 3?
Sense and Sensibility, 1811
Who is Jane Austen?
On public social media sites, two people who follow each other are known as these, sometimes shortened to “moots”.
What are mutuals?
When David Card was contacted to tell him he’d won the Economics prize, he thought it was a prank call until he realized the phone number was coming from this Scandinavian country.
These five-digit numbers begin with 0’s on the East Coast and gradually increase to 9’s on the West Coast.
What are ZIP codes?
Equal to about 5.8 trillion miles, this unit of distance is sometimes mistaken as a unit of time.
What is a light year?
The Hunger Games, 2008
Who is Suzanne Collins?
Players of online murder mystery games popularized the term “sus”, short for this adjective to describe someone who seems untrustworthy.
What is suspicious?
Two California scientists won the Physiology-Medicine prize for discoveries about how the body senses touch and pain. Much of their research began by studying capsaicin, the spicy chemical found in these fruits.
What are chili peppers?
The USPS uses mules to deliver mail to the Havasupai town at the bottom of this gorge.
What is the Grand Canyon?
The Celsius scale defines 0° as the temperature at which this happens.
What is the freezing of water?
Roots, 1976
Who is Alex Haley?
Why didn’t I comment on your tediously long text post? Because it was TL;DR, short for these four words.
What is "too long; didn't read"?
The Peace prize was co-awarded to a Philippine journalist whose paper dares to criticize President Duterte, and a Russian journalist whose newspaper dares to criticize this Russian president.
Who is Vladimir Putin?
This famous figure from Philadelphia was appointed the first Postmaster General of the United States in 1775.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
The brightness of a lightbulb is measured in these units.
What are lumens?
The Handmaid’s Tale, 1985
Who is Margaret Atwood?
A common habit in the chaos of 2020, this word describes the practice of constantly checking your social media feed to stay updated on negative news.
What is doomscrolling?
Becoming the first African author in decades to win the Literature prize, Abdulrazak Gurnah is from this East African country that’s home to Zanzibar, the Serengeti, and Mount Kilimanjaro.
What is Tanzania?
These law enforcement officers have the authority to investigate fraud, handle suspicious mail, and make arrests to protect the security of the mail.
Who are Postal Inspectors?
The three angles of a triangle will always add up to this many degrees.
What is 180?
The Art of War, c.400 BC
Who is Sun Tzu?