What TV show invented the rerun to allow its star time to recover during and after pregnancy?
I Love Lucy
Is pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?
A pumpkin is a fruit, because it has seeds. It is in the same family as the cucumber.
What is the fastest land animal?
Which Vitamin Is The Only One That You Will Not Find In An Egg?
Vitamin C
Eggs have small amounts of every vitamin and mineral (like calcium, iron, and zinc) that our body needs except for Vitamin C
Who sang the song, “My Way”?
Frank Sinatra
Where did Ralph Kramden threaten to send his wife on The Honeymooners?
To The Moon
Which of the following plants loses their leaves during autumn?
A. Oaks
B. Conifers
C. Palm trees
Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
The giraffe. The blood pressure of giraffes measures 280/180 mm Hg, which is two times higher than ours!
Deer meat is more commonly known by what name?
How many children does Oprah Winfrey have?
What's the longest continuously running game show in television history?
"The Price is Right"
"The Price is Right" first aired in 1972, followed by "Wheel of Fortune" in 1975 and the current run of "Jeopardy" in 1984 (the first version of the show premiered in 1964 and enjoyed almost 11 years on the air before being dropped).
A lack of which pigment turns the leaves of some trees to yellow, orange, or red during autumn?
A. Flavonoids
B. Betalains
C. Chlorophylls
How many bones does an octopus have?
Zero. The only hard structure it has is a beak, but that doesn’t count as a bone
Which fruit has the richest source of antioxidants?
What is the only American state that begins with the letter “p”?
The SS Minnow's infamous three-hour tour took off from which city in Gilligan's Island?
Honolulu, Hawaii
True or false:
The Pilgrims referred to themselves as “Pilgrims.”
False. They called themselves "Separatists."
Which animal eats jellyfish?
Sea Turtles
The “Chinese takeout” box was invented by which country?
What is the fastest fish in the ocean?
Who smoked on Match Game?
Richard Dawson
What are the three most-disliked Thanksgiving foods? .
According to a 2021 survey by The Vacationer, cranberry sauce tops the list followed by turkey and green bean casserole
What is the smartest farm animal?
Contrary to common beliefs, pigs are not only one of the smartest farm animals, but they are also actually one of the most intelligent animals in the animal kingdom.
They have the intelligence of a 3-year old child and are faster learners than dogs and primates. It’s even a popular household pet.
What Indian spice that usually grows in pods is used to make chai tea?
Which animal has the largest eye in the world?
The Giant Squid