Key Speakers
Doctrinal Focus
Inspirational Stories
Temple Announcements
Messages of Unity and Service

This person gave the concluding address of the Sunday afternoon session.

Who is President Russell M. Nelson?


Multiple talks during the conference focused on this central figure in the gospel, referred to as "our Redeemer and Savior."

Who is Jesus Christ?


A member of the Seventy shared a story about a family in this South American country that demonstrated faith by walking miles to attend church.

What is Brazil?


In the Sunday afternoon session, President Nelson announced the construction of new temples, including one in this European country.

What is Belgium?


Many talks encouraged Latter-day Saints to "strengthen their homes and communities" through this specific Christlike attribute, often referred to as "the greatest commandment."

What is love?


This counselor in the First Presidency emphasized "covenants" in his talk during the Saturday morning session.

Who is President Dallin H. Oaks?


Elder Ulisses Soares gave a talk emphasizing this principle, stating that it leads to spiritual growth and increased faith.

What is repentance?


In a talk about forgiveness, an apostle recounted a story of a young woman who forgave someone who harmed her family in this type of natural disaster.

What is a hurricane?


This U.S. state will soon have its third temple, announced during the April 2024 General Conference.

What is Texas?


Elder Dale G. Renlund emphasized the importance of "building Zion in our hearts," quoting this Old Testament prophet who spoke of a "new heart and new spirit."

Who is Ezekiel?


This member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared a story about his experience visiting Latter-day Saints in Africa.

Who is Elder Jeffrey R. Holland?


A general authority spoke on the principle of "hearing Him," which encourages members to develop personal revelation through this communication channel.

What is prayer?


This heartwarming story, shared by Elder Ronald A. Rasband, focused on a young boy who bravely bore his testimony despite facing this common childhood fear.

What is public speaking?


A temple was announced for this island nation, which has a growing population of Latter-day Saints in the Caribbean.

What is the Dominican Republic?


In a talk about the importance of unity, this General Authority stated that "the Lord's work requires us to be one," referencing a verse from this section of the Doctrine and Covenants.

What is Doctrine and Covenants 38?


This general authority spoke about overcoming trials through "anchoring ourselves to Christ" and used the metaphor of a lighthouse.

Who is Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf?


This important temple-related doctrine was highlighted, encouraging Latter-day Saints to strengthen their connection to God through this "sacred practice."

What are temple covenants?


An emotional story about a missionary who changed lives in this Asian country through his service was highlighted by a General Authority.

What is the Philippines?


President Nelson emphasized that the new temples will help fulfill the prophecy found in this Old Testament book, which mentions "turning the hearts of the children to their fathers."

What is Malachi?


Elder Quentin L. Cook highlighted the need to minister to those affected by war and conflict, specifically mentioning this European country that continues to experience significant unrest.

What is Ukraine?


This female leader from the Relief Society Presidency gave a powerful talk about the importance of "ministering with love" and referenced a parable from the New Testament.

Who is Sister Camille N. Johnson?


This frequently discussed topic emphasized following "the promptings of the Spirit" and avoiding distractions, referencing modern technology.

What is digital detox or disconnecting from media?


Sister Reyna I. Aburto shared a moving story about her mother, who showed great resilience after the death of her husband in this type of tragic event.

What is a natural disaster (earthquake)?


The April 2024 Conference included an announcement of a temple in this African country, which has recently seen significant growth in Church membership.

What is Kenya?


Sister Becky Craven gave a powerful message about serving others, quoting this Book of Mormon prophet who said, "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God."

Who is King Benjamin?