Harvest Season
Signs of Autumn
Common Ground
Final Jeopardy

You will likely only eat the red and green stalks of this vegetable in a pie mixed with strawberries.


While you can prepare the stalks in a variety of dishes, it's not a favourite vegetable. The leaves are poisonous whether raw or cooked.


The days can be hot during the fall, but you'll feel the chill during these two times of day.

Morning and night.

Fall and spring are transitional seasons that feature incremental but major changes in temperature during their three-month spans.


Of banana, mango, cashew, and guava, it's the food that doesn't belong.


All the others are fruits.


What is the only continent where bats are not found naturally?


Antarctica is one of the few places in the world where bats are not found. Conversely, the tropics have the biggest variety of bat species. Central and South America are responsible for one-third of the world's bat species.


These birds were trained to tell the difference between Picasso and Monet paintings.


In 1995, researchers at Keio University in Tokyo set up the training to learn about pigeons' visual discernment. After the training, the birds could identify other paintings by Picasso and Monet that they had not seen during the training.


This legume is treated as a nut and often mistaken for one.


It is processed into a popular nut butter, and a 12 ounce jar of peanut butter requires around 500 peanuts.


This natural phenomenon in the sky, most visible in Arctic areas, burns brighter in the fall.

The northern lights.

They're brighter due to the seasonal tilt of Earth around the time of the autumnal equinox.


Of trapezoid, circle, square, and triangle, it's the shape that doesn't belong.


The circle is the only shape in the group that doesn't have angles or straight lines. It only has one curved line.


What is the term for an animal that is primarily active at night?


Famously nocturnal, bats' eyes are sensitive and have adapted to low-light conditions. This evolution allows them to navigate and hunt for insects more effectively in the dark.


This purple vegetable doesn't come from a chicken.


In Europe, eggplants are called aubergines. They originally came from India, and they are now a favourite fruit around the world.


This fruit grown in Washington state is in season and a sign of fall.


Experts recommend isolating apples so their ethylene won't ripen other fruit prematurely. Did you know the world produces more than 7,500 varieties of apples?


Of shoulder, arm, finger, and toe, it's the body part that doesn't belong.


The other body parts are located above the waist; the toes are located below the waist.


What position do bats sleep in?

Upside down.

Unlike other animals capable of flight, a bat cannot run to gain enough momentum to fly and cannot generate enough power to fly from a standing position. It is theorized that bats sleep upside down so they can simply "hop out of bed" and take flight.


You flood the field to harvest these.


When the fields are flooded, the cranberries float to the top, making harvesting easier.


The waning sunlight in the fall leads to a reduced production of this in plants.


Chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis. This process feeds the plants and gives them their colour during the spring and summer. The lack of sunlight causes the leaves to have brilliant fall colours.


Of green, purple, red, and orange, this is the colour that doesn't belong.


Red is a primary colour. the others three colours are secondary colours, or combinations of two primary colours.


What mythical creature is the bat often associated with?


The myth of vampires has existed since ancient Greece; however, it was not until the 16th century that explorers found a particular bat that fed on blood - Desmodus rotundus. Later nicknamed the vampire bat, this bat was the beginning of the association between bats and vampires.


While fall is well known as harvest season, it is also this season for farmers who plant again in the fall.

Second-season planting.

The farmers plant cool-season crops, such as cabbage and broccoli.


Trees, shrubs, and vines that lose their leaves fall into this category.


Those that keep their leaves and pine needles are known as evergreen.


Of buffalo, horse, donkey, and zebra, it's the animal that doesn't belong.


The horse, donkey, and zebra all share the same body type and are closely related. They belong to the genus Equus. People have tried for hundreds of years to domesticate zebras without the desired results, so they cannot be ridden.


What is the term for the way that bats navigate and locate prey in the dark by way of sound?


Bats emit high-frequency sound waves that bounce off objects in their environment, and they interpret the returning echoes to determine the size, distance, and texture of objects.


This flower is a symbol of harvest season.


They're harvest season's most prolific flower, blooming everywhere in bold, beautiful colours - red, yellow, gold, green, purple, pink, maroon, and white. Globally, they're the second largest harvest in the ornamental category, after roses.


This full moon happens during the fall, either in September or October.

The harvest moon.

It's the brightest of all the full moons, giving off an orange glow like a big pumpkin in the sky.


Of Greece, Norway, Austria, and Romania, this is the country that doesn't belong, as it is not a member of the European Union (EU).


The EU has 27 member nations, but not every country on the European continent belongs to it.


Which state is home to Bracken Cave, the world's largest bat colony?


Braken Cave, located 20 minutes from San Antonio, is home to the world's largest bat colony. The cave is home to more than 15 million Mexican free-tailed bats.