World’s Fairs & Exhibitions
60's Romance Films
The October Garden
Classic Snacks and Appetizers

This 1,063-foot-tall attraction was built for the Exposition Universelle, the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris.

What is the Eiffel Tower?

At the time, it was the tallest structure in the world.


This 1967 flick stars Anne Bancroft as the older love interest of Dustin Hoffman.

What is The Graduate?

The film catapulted shy and soft-spoken Dustin Hoffman to stardom.


This cruciferous vegetable has an ornamental version that adds color to the fall garden

What is kale?

It adds green, white, pink, and/or purple to the garden. Ornamental kale is not edible.


This is the meat ingredient in pigs in a blanket.

What is hot dog?


This holiday is always celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada.



This famous bridge in San Francisco opened in time for the 1939 World’s Fair.

What is Golden Gate Bridge? 

The Bay Bridge opened at the same time, and they sit atop Treasure Island, which was built for the World’s Fair.


With the tagline “A love story of today,” this film stars Sidney Poitier and Katharine Hepburn as a young couple in love.

What is Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

This is the last movie Spencer Tracy acted in, as he was very ill at the time.


When planted in October, this delicious, white, cruciferous vegetable overwinters and is ready for harvest in early summer

What is cauliflower?

Snowball is a popular variety that is easy to grow. Its tough outer leaves protect it from the cold. Some varieties are ready for harvest in as little as three to five months.


This Italian cheese is cut into sticks, coated with breading, and then deep fried

What is mozzarella sticks?

It is often served with marinara sauce for dipping


Red delicious, yellow delicious, and Roma varieties of this fruit are harvested in October

What are apples?

Fun fact: The average tree fills roughly 20 boxes at harvest, weighing approximately 42 pounds each.


In 1964, this Ford classic car, which is still in production, was introduced at the New York City World’s Fair.

What is the Mustang?

The car was displayed for the first time at the Ford Pavilion, aka the Wonder Rotunda.


This 1961 drama involves two lovers from opposing gangs in New York City and plenty of musical numbers.

What is West Side Story?

Unusually, this film has no opening credits and instead shows scenes of Manhattan.


October is the perfect month to start this sweet Italian herb indoors to provide a year-round supply for making pesto.

What is basil?

It is an annual plant, and it won’t last after a frost. Its seeds are easy to sprout, and there are many varieties other than Genovese, the most common basil.


This animal’s “wings” are standard happy hour appetizers.

Chicken Wings 


This divided country was reunited in October 1990

What is Germany?

The Cold War divided the country into East and West. After 45 years, the two were officially reunited on October 3, 1990, less than one year after the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989.


When the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) first came to Toronto what was it originally called?

Toronto Industrial Exhibition

It switched names to the Canadian National Exhibition in 1912.  


This romantic musical film of 1964 is based on George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion.

What is My Fair Lady?

Audrey Hepburn, the film’s star, was reportedly disappointed when her singing lines were all dubbed over.


October is the best month to plant this stalky harbinger of spring. The hardy perennial will take two or three years to be ready for your kitchen table.

What is asparagus? 

Planting in the fall gives it a better chance of survival than planting in the spring. Be sure to plant it in the ground, because asparagus plants grow large and need room to thrive.


Tortilla chips are often served with queso and this type of pepper.

What is jalapeño?


When it’s not a harvest moon, the name of October’s full moon is this

What is the hunter’s moon (or sanguine or blood moon)?

The full moon will be visible at sunset on Sunday, October 9, but you can see it in all its splendor at least the day before and day after its official peak.


What caused the closure of the CNE for five consecutive years in the 1940s?

It was used to train military forces during World War II

EXPLANATION: From 1942 to 1946, the CNE grounds were handed over to the military as recruitment and training grounds, though the midway was set up in Riverdale Park in 1942 and 1943,


The Apartment stars Jack Lemmon and Fred MacMurray alongside this actress.

Who is Shirley MacLaine?

MacLaine was reportedly given only part of the script initially so that she wouldn’t know how the film ended


These purple, daisy-like flowers can be found in the garden until the first frost.


What are asters?

They traditionally mark the turn toward autumn.


Sour cream and a package of onion soup or dip mix have been the two ingredients of this standby dip since at least the 1960s.

What is French onion dip?

It was initially called California dip after an unknown cook in Los Angeles, California, invented it.


These black swan events (i.e high-impact events that are difficult to predict under normal circumstances but in retrospect appears to have been inevitable) often happen in October.

What are stock market declines or crashes?

Some major black swan events include the Panic of 1907, the stock market crash of 1929, and the Black Monday stock market crash in 1987.