Sports/ Entertainment
Progressive Era
Mr. Nelson
World News

The most popular game on Steam for many years recently released its sequel.

"What is Counter-Strike 2?"


A holiday that we celebrate today that was once a pagan religious celebration to welcome the harvest at the end of summer, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.

"What is Halloween?"


This revolution caused the need for reform policies to take place. 

"What is the Industrial Revolution?"


A city or town in northwest Iowa where Mr. Nelson is from.

"What is Souix City?"


Researchers at Oxford University recently discovered a way to create artificial stem cells for this organ.

"What is the Brain?"


2023's most popular song in the U.S.

"What is Miley Cyrus' Flowers?"


This beggars night tradition only exists in central Iowa.

"What is telling a joke to get candy?"


These investigative journalists shed a light on many progressive issues.

"What are Muckrakers?"


The favorite baseball team of Mr. Nelson, and the name of his dog.

"What is Boston?"


On October 14th get out your sunglasses, and look up at the sky to experience this astral phenomenon. 

"What is the Annual Solar Eclipse?" 


This basketball player has the highest salary in the NBA at $53,838,416 for this upcoming season.

"Who is Steph Curry?"


The amount of money in billions that Americans spent on candy for Halloween in 2022.

"What is 3 billion dollars?"


This fire sparked the discussion of worker safety regulations. 

"What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?"


The Daily Double

"What is Freshmen football, 8th grade basketball, and Snowboard club?"


At Malvern Autumn Festival in the UK, growers from across the Isles showed off the truly frightening proportions that vegetables can grow to with this vegetable taking first place at 1,370 Lbs.  

"What is a Pumpkin?"


The first successful live action adaptation of this popular Japanese animated series debuted on Netflix recently. 

"What is One Piece?"


A recent study found out that this candy was the most popular in Iowa. 

"What is Reeces Peanut Butter Cups?"


The Island of Tears where dreams came true, but many more hearts were broken.

"What is Ellis Island?"


The star sign of Mr. Nelson, and other infamous people like Johnny Depp, Kendrink Lamar and Kanye West.

"What is Gemini?"


Next year, Apple products will have to use a USB C charging cable thanks to this places legislation. 

What is the European Union?"


During WWI the British and the Germans laid down their weapons to play a friendly game of this sport on Christmas Eve. This day became known as the Christmas Truce.

"What is Soccer?"


Pumpkin carving is a leisurely activity for most, but competitive carver Stephen Clarke set the Guinness World Record in 2013 by completing his masterpiece in this many seconds.

"What is 17 seconds?"


This president continued to engage in reform policies, but did not uphold the same standard for conservation that his predecessor did.

"Who is William Howard Taft?"


The middle name of your favorite teacher.

"What is Scott?"


In a new law, which passed unanimously in the Illinois Senate and House before being signed into law by the governor, all students in Illinois can now take up to 5 exempt days a year for this reason.

"What is Mental Health?"