Diwali Happy Hour will celebrate with food and drinks on Thursday, 26 October. Which floor, 5 or 6?
6th floor.
Who was the first black president of the United States?
Barack Obama
What do Americans call Autumn?
What animal is said to bring bad luck on Halloween?
A Black Cat.
Which of the following countries has the colour orange on its flag? Italy, France, Norway, Ireland.
Are pets honoured during Diwali? Yes or No.
Yes, people express thanks and gratitude to cows and their pets by placing a red tilak (red spot) on the foreheads of animals.
Who was the first black vice-president of the United States?
Kamala Harris.
What worldwide sporting event is taking place in France during October?
World Cup Rugby!
Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
There are oranges that are not orange. True or False?
True - Oranges, even perfectly ripe oranges, are often bright green in color.
Diwali is a festival for which religion?
Hindus (also celebrated by Sikhs and Jains).
Who was the first black musician to win a Grammy Award for best album?
Stevie Wonder.
The Autumn equinox is on the same day each year. True or False
False, It’s either Sept 22 or Sept 23.
How many pumpkins are estimated to be bought each year for Halloween in the UK? 17million, 5million, 48million or 25million?
Who directed the movie ‘A Clockwork Orange’?
Stanley Kubrick.
Diwali is also known as.....
The Festival of Light
What is the collective name for persons of African descent who migrated to the UK between the 1940’s and 1970’s?
Windrush Generation.
What day do the clocks switch back from Daylight Savings Time?
Oct 29.
In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase “trick or treat” on Halloween?
Canada - in 1927.
Orange can refer to both a color and and a fruit. In English, which usage came first - orange the color, or orange the fruit?
Orange the fruit - The word orange, meaning a fruit, appeared in English as far back as the 14th century. Orange as a color is first recorded in 1512.
Diwali is celebrated with plenty of ____ and ____.
Fireworks and lights (or will accept food).
What does Juneteenth (June 19th) celebrate?
Abolition of slavery in the USA.
Which Anglo-Saxon king was killed in October 1066?
Harold II.
What is the best selling Horror movie of all time?
How many segments are there in a Terry's Chocolate Orange?
20 segments.