Clue Me In
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
Falling for Fall
World Series Trivia
It Happens Every October
When a person is suspected of committing a crime, a detective will try to determine the suspect’s verifiable whereabouts, also called this, at the time of the crime.
What is an Alibi
Pumpkin seeds have a hard shell, but if you do this to them, it will encourage them to germinate more quickly.
What is soak them in water?
In the fall, we turn our clocks this way, which gives us back the hour of sleep we lost in the spring.
What is Back?
This team has won the most World Series.
What is the New York Yankees?
This huge festival runs from September into October in Munich every year.
What is Oktoberfest?
Someone guilty of a crime is often called a perp, which is short for this noun.
What is a perpetrator?
This part of the pumpkin plant becomes the pumpkin.
What is the flower?
The season of fall is also known by this name.
What is Autumn?
In 2003, the New York Yankees won 101 games before being eliminated by this team in the sixth game of the World Series.
What is the Florida Marlins?
This happens every second Monday in October in Canada.
What is Thanksgiving?
Since observation is the hallmark of a great detective, this type of memory, which catalogs and remembers everything, is an asset to sleuths.
What is a photographic memory?
In this fairy tale, we hear about turning into a pumpkin after midnight.
What is Cinderella?
This is when fall begins south of the equator.
What is March?
During this year, the Chicago White Sox conspired to throw the World Series to the Cincinnati Reds in the most famous baseball scandal in history.
What is 1919?
This event doesn’t happen every October, but the three major crashes of this type have all happened in October.
What is the Stock Market?
This is another name for a detective often used in mystery novels to describe an amateur detective. It begins with the letter s.
What is a sleuth?
Pumpkins are full of this nutrient that is often associated with carrots.
What is Beta-Carotene?
After raking leaves, we used to burn them. Today, we do this to them after jumping in them and before adding them to our garden soil the following spring.
What is composting?
This was the year of the first World Series.
What is 1903?
Every October, a sea of pink ribbons signifies an “awareness month” promoting awareness of this disease that mostly affects women.
What is Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
This entrée often rears its ugly head in workplace cafeterias, takes on a grayish hue, and sometimes even after taking a bite, no one has the first clue what it is.
What is mystery meat?
In the nursery rhyme “Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater,” Peter put this into his pumpkin shell for safekeeping.
What is his wife?
This author of Wuthering Heights was also a poet who penned “Every leaf speaks bliss to me/fluttering from the autumn tree.”
Who is Emily Bronte
This team won the first World Series.
What is the Boston Americans?
Every October, polar bears flood this town in northern Manitoba, which shares its name with Britain’s prime minister during World War II.
What is Churchill?