Name that Substance
Individual Counseling Skills

Quantifies the severity of alcohol problems for adults using a 24 item self administered questionnaire calling for yes or no responses. 

Name the tool 

MAST- Michigan alcoholism screening test


Commercial spice derived from the tropical evergreen myristica fragrans. it required 10-20 grams of the product to produce the psychedelic effects but it produces vomiting and nausea at much lower dose. 



What theory does the miracle question belong to and discuss that the miracle question is

Solution focused therapy 

Miracle Question: The miracle question or "problem is gone" question is a method of questioning that a coach, therapist, or counselor can utilize to invite the client to envision and describe in detail how the future will be different when the problem is no longer present.

A traditional version of the miracle question would go like this:

"I am going to ask you a rather strange question [pause]. The strange question is this: [pause] After we talk, you will go back to your work (home, school) and you will do whatever you need to do the rest of today, such as taking care of the children, cooking dinner, watching TV, giving the children a bath, and so on. It will be time to go to bed. Everybody in your household is quiet, and you are sleeping in peace. In the middle of the night, a miracle happens and the problem that prompted you to talk to me today is solved! But because this happens while you are sleeping, you have no way of knowing that there was an overnight miracle that solved the problem. [pause] So, when you wake up tomorrow morning, what might be the small change that will make you say to yourself, 'Wow, something must have happened—the problem is gone!'"?


Name the skill- 

  • Is a process where participants pretend to be in a particular situation

  • Allows the client to practice new and scary behavior in a safe place

Role Playing


Name the 4 Routes of Administration

 - Snorting

 - Intravenous

 - Smoking

 - Oral


Verbalize the questions in CAGE 

  • Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking? ...
  • Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? ...
  • Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking? ...
  • Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

a naturally occurring compound and has been synthesized since 1960's. Derivative of certain south american shrub. Powerful, fast acting drug that produces psychedelic effects of extremely short duration. 

DMT- Dimethyltryptamine


The following are goals of which theory:

  • Teach clients to think more rationally, to feel more appropriately, and to behave more adaptively

  • Teach clients to analyze his/her belief system and correct the irrational distortions

  • Eliminate clients’ self-defeating outlook and assist in acquiring more tolerant and rational view of life

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)


There are four guidelines to giving feedback- name them

  • There are four guidelines to giving feedback:

    • Present simple, concrete terms

    • Provide information

    • Identify strengths and weaknesses

    • Be open to questions during or after the feedback


abrupt death caused by inhalant abuse. When individuals inhale volatile substances, the body can go into shock. Most of the time occurs when the heart stops beating.

Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome


This 88 item structured interview questionnaire. it is designed to provide a history of drinking practices and problems. It incorporates the Michigan alcoholism screening test. It requires 1-2 hours to administer 

Comprehensive Drinker Profile (CDP)


Simulates the heart, acts to speed up the production of urine and increases the capacity for muscular work. Symptoms include wakefulness, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, muscle twitching, tremulousness, headache, dry mouth, lethargy, depression, stomach pain, gastric ulcers and diarrhea. 



The following are techniques of which theory:

  • Establishing a warm, caring relationship

  • Helps client evaluate behavior

  • Creating and committing to a plan of action 

  • No excuses accepted

Choice Theory 

Psychological attending skills include:

Psychological attending skills include:

  • Observation of the client’s grooming, posture, speed of movement, and facial expressions

    • To gain more information

    • To look for the matching of verbals with nonverbals (congruency)

    • To identify feelings


Name the 3 MAT treatments for Opioids 

methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone


This is a 25 question self report instrument to screen adolescents. It focuses on drinking related loss of control and social, psychological and physical symptoms of alcohol problems 

Adolescent drinking inventory 


Shrub that grows 10-20 feet tall. Produces euphoric effects along with a sense of exhilaration, energy, talkativeness, hyperactivity, wakefulness, loss of appetite, insomnia, anorexia, gastric disorders, hypertension. Some become angry, violent


Who is the founder of the Id, Ego, Superego? 

Discuss what each the Id, Ego, Superego do. 

Sigmund Freud,

Id is a term coined by Freud. In Freud’s model of the psyche, the Id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind. The id is concerned with instant gratification of basic needs and urges and is entirely unconscious. The id is sometimes portrayed as the “devil on my shoulder” encouraging bad behavior. 

The superego is the part of the psyche that is concerned with social rules and morals The superego is similar to what many people call their conscious or moral compass. The superego is only part conscious and represents internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society, and functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes, conscience, and a sense of guilt. The superego develops as a child learns what is right and wrong. It is sometimes portrayed as the “angel on my shoulder”.

The ego is the rational and pragmatic part of personality and is partly conscious/partly unconscious. The ego is what Freud considered to be the “self”. It balances demands of id and superego and serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality, especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality. The ego is sometimes portrayed as the mediator or as reality.


Name the skill that:

  • Provides congruency, support, and understanding for the client

  • The counselor tries to give additional meaning to the client’s words and behavior based on the counselor’s observation and experience

  • The goal is to increase client self-awareness

  • Some therapies such as psychoanalysis, rely heavily on interpretation while others, such as Gestalt, minimize its use

  • Summarization

Advanced Accurate Empathy



models seek to identify

clients’ needs and help clients access identified

resources. Planning may be limited to the

client’s early contacts with the case manager

rather than an intensive long-term relationship.

Ongoing monitoring, if provided at all, is

relatively brief and does not include active




______is one of the most widely used proprietary screening tools in the United States. This tool is different from others; it contains both subtle and face valid items validated to screen for high or low probability of having a substance use disorder. Described as effective in identifying those in denial or deliberately trying to conceal their substance use, it is longer than brief face valid screens. It also contains a validity scale to identify random responding, and a defensiveness scale, which provides a measure of credibility to the individual’s responses

SASSI- Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory


Contains related alkaloid, atropine, scopolamine, hyocyamine. Make skin hot, dry, red, pupils dilate, vision blurred, frequent thirst, pulse rapid, blood pressure and temperate elevated. (Name overall and 5 specific )  

Nightshade- Belladonna, Jimson weed, Henbane, Mandrake Root, Angel's Trumpet. 


Which Theory coined the term Defense Mechanisms and name 5 

Psychoanalytic Theory- 

  • Repression-forcing unacceptable thoughts and feelings from the conscious mind into the unconscious mind

  • Projection-accusing others of motives and traits that the person senses are true about him/her self but finds unacceptable

  • Displacement-discomfort with one person but takes out feelings on someone or something less threatening

  • Reaction Formation-exchanging an unacceptable urge or feeling for a more acceptable one-often expressed in excess

  • Regression-returning to more immature behavior that used to be satisfying

  • Rationalization-finding a satisfactory reason for doing something unacceptable

  • Intellectualization-understanding a difficult situation with the mind but not allowing any feelings about it



During a session, the counselor notices that the client is getting progressively more agitated and suspects a potential for violence – he/she should

  • Continue to reflect and interpret the client’s behavior using extra caution

  • Empathetically self-disclose, let the client know of his/her own feelings and concerns when the client behaves like this

  • Reassure the client of a commitment to him/her and continue trying to problem solve

  • Think of his/her own safety and an escape plan if the agitation increases


_______ a counselor statement that mirrors the clients statement in exact or similar wording 

______ the essence of the clients feelings, either stated or implied, as expressed by the counselor 

_____A brief review of the main points discussed in the session to insure continuity in focused direction

______a counselors response that directs the clients attention inward to help both parties examine the clients situation in greater depth 


Reflection of feeling

