Types of Assignments
Classroom Environment
Attendance, Assignments, and Conduct
Academic Integrity and AI
Procedures and Expectations

This type of assignment involves reading comprehension and writing practice and is generally not accepted for credit if submitted late.

What is homework/classwork?


In this class, interactions will be respectful of this, which includes diverse backgrounds, views, and beliefs.

What are diverse perspectives?


If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to check this platform for daily agendas and most assignments.

What is Google Classroom?


In this class, you are expected to complete all work yourself, and if you use information from external sources, you must do this on your assignment.

What is cite your sources?


These items, along with a charged Chromebook and charging cable, must be brought to class as listed on the first page of the syllabus.

What is any assigned texts and your vocabulary book?


This type of assessment focuses on skill-based evaluations and is a major component of your English class.

What are tests?


This is the kind of environment our class will strive to provide, ensuring that everyone feels secure and valued.

What is a learning environment of trust and safety?


Students generally have this number of days to make up work assigned during their absence.

What is 5 days?


Failure to follow the guidelines for citing AI assistance will result in this consequence for your assignment.

What is receiving a zero?


Cell phones should be kept in this manner unless permission is given for class work.

What is out of sight?


These are used to evaluate your understanding of reading materials and vocabulary in English.

What are quizzes?


Students are encouraged to engage in this activity to enhance their understanding and relationships with one another.

What is getting to know and learning from each other?


For this type of assignment, it is expected to be submitted on time even if you are absent on the deadline.

What is an electronic assignment?


AI should be used as a tool to enhance this rather than replace it.

What is critical thinking?


You should not do this before being dismissed and should stand by your desk if you must stand.

What is pack up early or gather by the door?


This type of assignment encourages creativity and collaboration and involves using digital tools to demonstrate your understanding. The penalty for late submission is losing one letter grade per day until it becomes a zero after five days.

What are projects?


The class values these, as they are seen as something that will improve the overall learning experience.

What are differences among students?


If absent, this type of task is due upon your return to class.

What is a paper task?


When you take credit for someone else’s work without proper acknowledgment, this term is used to describe the unethical act.

What is plagiarism?


If you need to leave the room for an AP, you must show this and do this before you leave.

What are Smart Pass and sign-out?


In this aspect of the English curriculum, you will need to actively participate in discussions and presentations, focusing on both speaking and listening skills.

What are discussions and presentations?


In this class, the goal is to create a space where every student feels they do this and benefits from learning.

What is belonging and learning?


Students are expected to demonstrate this in both class and online, ensuring they do not infringe on others' rights.

What is polite and respectful behavior?


When using AI, you must always do this to acknowledge the assistance provided, including providing links and your original work.

What is cite the AI assistance?


When you need to use the bathroom, this is the maximum number of students allowed out at one time.

What is one person?