This quality of the tragic hero refers to excessive pride
At the beginning of the play, Oedipus agrees to do this (concerning the death of the former king, Laius)
Investigate his murder
This term means "avoidance of something seemingly unpleasant or dangerous"
This term means "people who ask for help"
Creon tells Oedipus that Laius was murdered by _____.
A band of criminals
This term refers to a tragic hero's fatal flaw
Oedipus sends a request for help to this person, a prophet who is respected for his wisdom and truth-telling
This term means "a humble request"
This term means "a formal request to an official"
Creon doesn't want to be king because _____.
He is satisfied with his current role and position
This is how Jocasta's story ends
She commits suicide by hanging
Oedipus' name means "swollen footed," which is fitting because _________.
His ankles were pierced and fastened together as an infant
This term means "a plague"
This term means "kicked out"
Toward the middle of the play, Oedipus believes that Creon has betrayed him by ______.
Oedipus doesn't believe death is the punishment that he deserves, so instead he uses a golden pin to ______.
Gouge out his eyes
Oedipus' last hope is to hear that Laius was killed by ______.
Multiple killers (instead of a single murderer)
This term means "encouragement or urging"
This term means "to condemn, criticize, or correct"
Creon is the uncle to _____ and ______, Oedipus and Jocasta's daughters (name one).
Antigone and Ismene
At the end of the play, Oedipus finally has to face the fact that he married his _____ and killed his _____.
Mother, father
Oedipus rules over Thebes, a city-state that is suffering from _____ and grieving over _____.
A terrible plague, the murder of King Laius
This term means "cannot be solved"
This term means "stubborn"