States of Matter 1
Classifying Matter
Lab connections

Anything that has mass and takes up space (volume).

What is matter?


Sir Isaac Newton.

Who defined the laws of motion which became the basis of physics in teh 1600's?


A characteristic of matter that can be observed without changing its chemical identity.

What is a physical property?


Chemistry (definition)

What is the study of matter and its physical & chemical properties?


In the "Bag of Change" lab, two signs that a chemical change had occurred.

What are change in temperature and creation of gas.


The amount of material that makes up an object.

What is mass?


The tablecloth magicians trick is described by this law.

What is Newton's First Law, the Law of Inertia.


This can be separated into parts by physical changes.

What is a mixture?


The resource that tells you about all the known pure substances in the world.

What is the Periodic Table of Elements?


In the "Modeling Particle Size" lab, why did the volume of ethanol and water become less when you mixed them together?

The ethanol's particles were smaller than the water particles, so fit in the spaces between the water particles.


The amount of space that a material makes up.

What is volume?


When you dive off a diving board, you push down on the springboard. The board springs back and forces you  into the air.

What is Newtons Third Law? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 


This is a pure substance that can be broken down into two or more elements by chemical changes.

What is a compound?


The number of protons and electrons in an element.

What is the Atomic Number tell you?


The three changes of state (in order) the water went through during the "Can Crush".

What are: Liquid (in the bottom of the can, Evaporation to water vapour (when the can was heated) Condensation back to liquid when the can was cooled


The theory that explains how particles act when energy is added or removed.

What is the Kinetic Molecular Theory?


If you have the same force to push a car and a truck, the car will have more acceleration because it has less mass.

What is Newtons Second Law? Force = mass x acceleration


A pure substance that can not be broken down by physical or chemical changes.

What is an element?


Two other 



The force that caused the can to crush.

What is air pressure.


This is density.

The calculation for density, and an example of units to describe it.

What is the amount of matter in a given volume?

What is grams per mL or kg per L?


The calculation for Acceleration. 

What is Force / mass. 


Give an example of each type of pure substance, a compund and an element.

What is a compound - H20? What is an element - Gold ?


Two theories for atomic structure between 400 BC and present day. 

Democritus - all things made of "atomos", small particles

Dalton - early 1800's - atoms are tiny particles, atoms  make up elements, compounds are more than one element

Thomson - late 1800's. Atoms are made up of  sub-atomic particles. Electrons are -

Rutherford - 1911 - discovered protons. Protons in the middle with a + charge (nucleus), atoms are mostly empty space

Bohr - 1913 - electrons travel in shells, every element has a certain number os shells

Chadwick - 1932 - neutrons in nucleus with 0 charge

Modern model - electrons are in clouds


Something that speeds up a reaction. (Give an example).

What is a catalyst. Yeast in the elephant toothpaste lab.