This is a baby plant. Once it has the proper conditions like sun, water, and soil it will grow into a plant.
What is a seed?
A living organism that has a direct or indirect effect on plant pollination is known as...
What is a pollinator?
This butterfly has a proboscis, which is an adaptation that allows the butterfly to do what?
Drink nectar more effectively
Water falls to the ground
This mascot is a bear. He advocates for fire safety by educating people on how to prevent wildfires. Hint: Only YOU can prevent wildfires!
Smokey Bear
How are the seeds of this dandelion dispersed?
By the wind
This is a sweet sugar water flowers produce. Since many insects eat this sugar water, they are highly attracted to the flowers that have some available.
What is nectar?
Birds of prey are known to hunt other living things like rodents. This adaptation allows raptors and hawks to swoop down with their wings and grab hold of their prey.
What are talons?
Water gathers all around
The name of the Peregrine Falcon that lives at the raptor center
Plants are rooted and cannot move around themselves. Seed dispersal is when seeds travel from their parent plant that made them, to another place. Why is this a good thing for the seed and the parent plant?
Seeds need good sunlight, nutrients, and water to grow. They also need space away from their parents so they don't steal nutrients from their parents.
This part of the flower is called the stamen and it serves a very important role in pollination because it's where....
Pollen is stored
This adaptation allows birds like Guffy, the great horned owl, to blend in really well into their environments.
Plants sweat the water out
What is the name of the frog that is endangered and lives in the pond at the Nature Center by the gift shop? Hint: Spotted _____ Frog
Spotted Leopard Frog
This type of seed is from tropical palm trees and gets dispersed by floating on water.
Coconut seeds
This part of the plant is where pollen needs to get to in order to make a seed
The Pistil
This behavioral adaptation is something the birds do as the seasons change, moving from one place to another. "Flying south for the winter"
Water rises from the ground
Lizards are important seed distributors. This particular lizard is only found in a small part of Colorado. They are often seen in our area during the Spring and Summer months. It's known as a _______ Whiptail?
Checkered Whiptail
We see these seeds at the river campus during the summer and fall months. They are dispersed by the wind and resemble helicopters as they glide to the ground.
Maple seeds
This flying mammal is an important pollinator. It has wings and fur. NO FEATHERS. It eats LOTS of fruit and is nocturnal.
These creepy crawlies are adapted to feel vibrations from a web outside of their burrows. They migrate in the fall and use their ichy hairs as a defense mechanism.
Water forms into a cloud
We play in this river all the time when we have class at the Nature Center. What is the name of the river that flows through the Nature Center and Pueblo?
The Arkansas River