Plant Adaptations
Fish Adaptions
Bird Adaptations
Leave no trace
This adaptation allows plants to take up water from their surroundings.

What are roots?


This adaptation on a fish allows it to breathe while being underwater

What are gills?


Birds of prey use these to swoop down and grab hold of their prey. Some might call these the bird's feet.

What are talons?


While hiking, we always want to stay on this, it leads us safely through the plants and trees.

What is a trial?


A male turkey vulture that lives at the raptor center

Who is Lurch?


This adaptation allows plants to reproduce. Often times, this action requires the help of other living organisms like butterflies, bees, and birds.

What is pollination?


This adaption on a fish allows it to swim throughout the water with ease. Most fish have more than one on the tops, sides, and end of their bodies.

What are fins?

This adaptation could be considered the bird's mouth. Different shapes of this can indicate what the bird might eat, like nuts, meat, or fish.

What is a beak?


If the fourth principle of leave no trace is to leave what you find, what is something you likely brought that you should you always make sure to bring back with you?

What is trash, utensils, etc...

Ranger Lokey's favorite sport



This adaption on trees is very much like our skin because it helps protect them from harsh weather and is found on the outside of the trunk.

What is bark


This is all over the fish's body. It feels very interesting to the touch and helps protect the fish like our skin protects us and reduce friction while swimming in the water.

What are scales?


This behavioral adaptation is something the birds do as the seasons change, moving from one place to another. "Flying south for the winter"

What is migration?


The ultimate goal of leave no trace is to minimize our what?

What is impact or "footprint"


Ranger Luna's Favorite thing(s) to do

Being quiet and talking


Trees use these to capture sunlight in the spring and summer. They shed them in the fall and winter in order to conserve energy and water.

What are leaves?


Counter shading is an adaption in many fish, mammals, and even birds. It describes when an animal has a light color on their stomachs, the bottom, and dark colors on top, or their backs. This helps the fish do what? 

Camouflage or blend into their environments.


This adaptation allows birds like Guffy, the great horned owl, to blend in really well into their environments.

What is camouflage? 


If food isn't properly disposed of or stored in smell proof containers while camping, this big wild animal could get into your personal things or worse, think you are lunch or dinner.

What is a bear?


A word that describes the step in the water cycle where "water FALLS down" and it starts with a "P"

What is precipitation?


This type of plant grows in harsh prairie or desert conditions. Due to harsh climate, it stores water in it's bulky stems and doesn't grow leaves. We see these on hikes and are always told to "give it space"

What are cacti?


Fish swim in big groups to protect themselves from predators. What is a large group of fish called?

What is a school?


This adaptation in a bird involves it's bones and makes it to where the bird is very light so it can fly long distances without trouble.

What is hallow?


Ranger Lokey and Luna do this before every hike by making sure we all have water to drink. We may not be thirsty now, but they know we will be later. This is the first principle of leave no trace.

What is planning ahead and preparing?


Tarantulas have these on their exoskeletons. They use this as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened. They shoot them towards their threat and it causes irritation and itching. 

What are hairs?