This is an illustration of an area like a city, town, or continent that shows main features and/or landmarks.
What is a map?
When people were first figuring out how to navigate they used this as a guide for directions and also figuring out what time of day it was..
The sun and stars
Water falls down
Birds have bones what are super light weight in order to have an easier time of flying. This is because bird bones are..
Cool! You found this track on the trail! What animal do you think it could be from?
To be a good map you must have.... (name 3)
A title, compass showing cardinal directions, scale, legend (key), latitude/longitude
This is one of the navigation tools we have in our tool box. It helps as navigate by using the earth's magnetic field and showing us cardinal directions (N,E,S,W) in relation to where we are.
What is a compass?
Water rises from the ground
Birds have a bone that's very similar to the elbow in humans. This bone is called....
The humerus bone
Name the great horned owl that lives at the raptor center
The word "map" came from this latin word which means paper or napkin
North, East, South, and West are known as _______ directions
Cardinal directions
Water gathers all around
True or false: Birds have lungs similar to humans but different because they also have air sacs.
True or false: Tree squirrels hibernate during the winter time.
This type of map follows a THEME, or in other words it shows a single attribute like soil type or vegetation.
Thematic map
This is a scale. Scales on maps help us to...
Scales help us understand and imagine actual distances between place or objects.
Water forms into a cloud
This word sure to fun to say. Collectively known as the bones in the digits, or ends of the leg, wing, and/or arms (toes and fingers)
This river flows from Leadville CO headwaters through multiple states and eventually into the Mississippi river. This is the very same river that flows though Pueblo by the Nature Center from Lake Pueblo.
The Arkansas River
This is the oldest surviving map of the world....
What is the imago mundi?
This is where the original compass was invented in 300 BCE and was first used as a tool for spiritual guidance to figure out where to build things.
Plants sweat the water out
Name this group of feathers
Primary flight feathers
The interaction of living and nonliving things in a habitat. This is the way in which all things are connected. There are big ones and small ones. We each have our own, and as a group of people we make one with interactions and relationships.
An ecosystem