match the halves
best fits

1 Sarah plans to open her own café soon, ...

a where people go for new eating experiences. 

b which is why he decided to simplify them for his new cookbook.

c despite the fact that he had a reputation as a terrible cook.

d although she doesn't think she's experienced enough to go on a cookery show.

e so she is looking for a suitable space in a busy location.

1 Sarah plans to open her own café soon, 

e so she is looking for a suitable space in a busy location.


There are so many cookery shows on television these days that it's hard to keep up with all of them. There are programmes that teach the basics, and in other programmes, we visit cooks in their own homes or find out the secrets of restaurant kitchens. All of these shows have enthusiastic viewers, though perhaps the most popular are the ones 1... 

A although many of us have never cooked an omelette

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 

D which gives amateur cooks the chance to show off their skills

E or even in seeing how it's done

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 

G feel sadness when they are defeated

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes

There are so many cookery shows on television these days that it's hard to keep up with all of them. There are programmes that teach the basics, and in other programmes, we visit cooks in their own homes or find out the secrets of restaurant kitchens. All of these shows have enthusiastic viewers, though perhaps the most popular are the ones 1... 

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes


compete - ? - ?

compete -competitor/competition - competitive


on from for into to of

1 Jenna decided to compete ... the main prize, though she wasn't sure she could win.

1 Jenna decided to compete for the main prize, though she wasn't sure she could win.



away, back, down, off, out, up

1 After driving for an hour, we decided to return home because the snow had become so heavy. 

turn back

1 After driving for an hour, we decided to return home because the snow had become so heavy. 


2 His great-grandmother's recipes were very complicated,

a where people go for new eating experiences. 

b which is why he decided to simplify them for his new cookbook.

c despite the fact that he had a reputation as a terrible cook.

d although she doesn't think she's experienced enough to go on a cookery show.

e so she is looking for a suitable space in a busy location.

2 His great-grandmother's recipes were very complicated,

b which is why he decided to simplify them for his new cookbook.


Both amateur and professional cooks compete for prizes, which sometimes include a chance to work in one of the world's greatest restaurants, publish their own cookbook, or even open their own restaurant. It's easy to understand why a person who loves cooking would want to participate. After all, winning could launch their careers and transform their lives, 2... to make it in a competitive world.

A although many of us have never cooked an omelette

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 

D which gives amateur cooks the chance to show off their skills

E or even in seeing how it's done

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 

G feel sadness when they are defeated

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes

Both amateur and professional cooks compete for prizes, which sometimes include a chance to work in one of the world's greatest restaurants, publish their own cookbook, or even open their own restaurant. It's easy to understand why a person who loves cooking would want to participate. After all, winning could launch their careers and transform their lives, 2... to make it in a competitive world.

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 


satisfy - ? - ?

satisfy - satisfaction - satisfying/satisfied/satisfactory


on from for into to of

2 They want to turn this building ... a TV studio.

2 They want to turn this building into a TV studio.



away, back, down, off, out, up

2 They took the painting to an art dealer, and it was discovered that it was worth a lot of money.

turn out

2 They took the painting to an art dealer, and it was discovered that it was worth a lot of money.


3 Susan believes that she is a very good cook, 

a where people go for new eating experiences. 

b which is why he decided to simplify them for his new cookbook.

c despite the fact that he had a reputation as a terrible cook.

d although she doesn't think she's experienced enough to go on a cookery show.

e so she is looking for a suitable space in a busy location.

3 Susan believes that she is a very good cook, 

d although she doesn't think she's experienced enough to go on a cookery show.


But why does the average person watch these shows? Everyone eats, of course, and food in some form or other is an important part of everyone's life. However, not many of us are interested in learning how to make a perfect soufflé, 3... .

A although many of us have never cooked an omelette

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 

D which gives amateur cooks the chance to show off their skills

E or even in seeing how it's done

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 

G feel sadness when they are defeated

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes

But why does the average person watch these shows? Everyone eats, of course, and food in some form or other is an important part of everyone's life. However, not many of us are interested in learning how to make a perfect soufflé, 3... .

E or even in seeing how it's done


achieve - ? - ?

achieve - achiever/achievement 


on from for into to of

3 I can't focus ... my work. I think I need a break.

3 I can't focus on my work. I think I need a break.



away, back, down, off, out, up

3 Someone forgot to switch off the TV- it's been on all night.

turn off

3 Someone forgot to switch off the TV- it's been on all night.


4 Edward's unusual cooking style has made his restaurant a place

a where people go for new eating experiences. 

b which is why he decided to simplify them for his new cookbook.

c despite the fact that he had a reputation as a terrible cook.

d although she doesn't think she's experienced enough to go on a cookery show.

e so she is looking for a suitable space in a busy location.

4 Edward's unusual cooking style has made his restaurant a place

a where people go for new eating experiences. 


The truth is that the reward for most people in watching a cookery competition is similar to the pleasure we get from watching sports, game shows or any other competitive activity. We identify with and support one or more of the competitors, just like in sports. We get great satisfaction each time they succeed, 4... and new hope when they get another chance to prove how good they are.

A although many of us have never cooked an omelette

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 

D which gives amateur cooks the chance to show off their skills

E or even in seeing how it's done

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 

G feel sadness when they are defeated

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes

The truth is that the reward for most people in watching a cookery competition is similar to the pleasure we get from watching sports, game shows or any other competitive activity. We identify with and support one or more of the competitors, just like in sports. We get great satisfaction each time they succeed, 4... and new hope when they get another chance to prove how good they are.

G feel sadness when they are defeated


? - sympathy - ?

sympathize - sympathy - sympathetic


on from for into to of

4 I'm so glad you found the answer! How did you think ... it?

4 I'm so glad you found the answer! How did you think of it?



away, back, down, off, out, up

4 No one had heard from her for years, so we were amazed to see Julia appear unexpectedly at the reunion.

turn up

4 No one had heard from her for years, so we were amazed to see Julia appear unexpectedly at the reunion.


5 Marcus prepared a delicious meal for his friends

a where people go for new eating experiences. 

b which is why he decided to simplify them for his new cookbook.

c despite the fact that he had a reputation as a terrible cook.

d although she doesn't think she's experienced enough to go on a cookery show.

e so she is looking for a suitable space in a busy location.

5 Marcus prepared a delicious meal for his friends

c despite the fact that he had a reputation as a terrible cook.


This is why the makers of 'reality' competitions of all kinds spend so much time letting us see the background stories of the competitors. They want us to sympathize and feel that we know these people. And if the competitor has a huge challenge - an ill spouse, no place to live or even a physical disability - so much the better. Why do you think the blind competitor on an American cookery show had so much support, apart from the fact 5...? 

A although many of us have never cooked an omelette

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 

D which gives amateur cooks the chance to show off their skills

E or even in seeing how it's done

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 

G feel sadness when they are defeated

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes

This is why the makers of 'reality' competitions of all kinds spend so much time letting us see the background stories of the competitors. They want us to sympathize and feel that we know these people. And if the competitor has a huge challenge - an ill spouse, no place to live or even a physical disability - so much the better. Why do you think the blind competitor on an American cookery show had so much support, apart from the fact 5...? 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 


? - possibility - ?

- - possibility - possible


on from for into to of

5 If you remove the soundtrack ... this film, it becomes even scarier.

5 If you remove the soundtrack from this film, it becomes even scarier.



away, back, down, off, out, up

5 It was a good job offer, but he decided to reject it, feeling sure he'd find something better.

turn down

5 It was a good job offer, but he decided to reject it, feeling sure he'd find something better.


We wanted her to win in spite of the difficulties. And she did. For us as viewers, it was almost as satisfying as winning the prize ourselves. Except, of course, that we never had to do anything more difficult 6.... and perhaps imagine our own possible achievements, even if it turns out that our plans don't involve more than going to the fridge for a snack during the commercial break.

A although many of us have never cooked an omelette

B offering the perfect chance for an ambitious cook 

C that she was charming, talented and determined 

D which gives amateur cooks the chance to show off their skills

E or even in seeing how it's done

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 

G feel sadness when they are defeated

H where cooks compete against each other for big prizes

We wanted her to win in spite of the difficulties. And she did. For us as viewers, it was almost as satisfying as winning the prize ourselves. Except, of course, that we never had to do anything more difficult 6.... and perhaps imagine our own possible achievements, even if it turns out that our plans don't involve more than going to the fridge for a snack during the commercial break.

F than sit on the sofa and hold the remote 


on from for into to of

6 They feel sure her talent will lead ... successful career as a game show host.

6 They feel sure her talent will lead to successful career as a game show host.



away, back, down, off, out, up

6 When she walked into the room, I saw several people look in another direction, pretending they hadn't even seen her.

turn away

6 When she walked into the room, I saw several people look in another direction, pretending they hadn't even seen her.