Class Activities
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Where does the title Of Mice and Men come from? Why did Steinbeck use this name?
A poem called "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns. There is a line in the poem that he chose as the title of the book.
For what reason does Lennie go to the barn?
To pet his puppy
How did Lennie’s puppy die? Why is Lennie mad at it?
IT tried to bite him and Lennie accidentally snapped its neck when he slapped it. Lennie is mad at the puppy for dieing because if he gets in trouble he can't tend to teh rabbits.
Describe Slim
Respected ranch hand that everyone looks to for advice. He is well respected, doesn't judge others and shows compassion and understanding toward the other men.
What is the point of the poem "To a Mouse"?
Sometimes no matter how much you plan, things go wrong
How does Crook react to Lennie when he comes to visit? Why does he react this way?
Crooks is angry that Lennie is in his room because he's not allowed in their bunkhouse so people shouldn't be able to just come into his room.
Why does Curley’s wife continue talking to Lennie, despite Lennie’s protests? What reasons does she give for wanting to talk to him?
She is lonely and has nobody else to talk to.
How did George get a gun?
He stole it from Carlson even though everyone thought Lennie took it.
Describe Crooks.
He is an older black stable hand who has a crooked spine and lives out in the barn with the horses. He is very lonely and wishes he had companionship although he rarely shows it.
Steinbeck uses dialect, slang, and curse words in his story. How would the novel be different without these things?
It would not feel as real because the characters would not be speaking as they did in that time period. His story is more believable with these things.
How does Crooks truly feel about Lennie and Candy’s visit?
He is happy to have company
Why does Lennie become angry with Curley’s wife? What happened as a result?
She tries to pull away as he is touching her soft hair and she starts screaming. Lennie covers her mouth and shakes her, accidentally snapping her neck.
What is George’s intention in telling Lwnnie the “story” again at this point?
He is trying to fill his mind with good thoughts before he dies.
Describe Carlson
He is a ranch hand who shot Candy's dog without thinking twice about it. He represents the typical "manly" migrant worker of the time and doesn't see the need for relationships.
How does dialogue have an effect on the story?
We experience the events through a characters eyes and we learn important things about the setting because of they way the characters speak.
How does Curley’s wife threaten Crooks? Why does she say this?
She says she can have him hung out on a tree. Crooks tells her to leave his room and she tells him he can't tell her what to do.
What does Candy now realize that makes him particularly angry towards Curley’s wife?
His dream of joining George and Lennie's ranch will never come true.
At the end of the book, Carlson said, “Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?” Why is this question important to the themes of the novel? What doesn’t Carlson understand?
It shows that Carlson doesn't understand the relationship between George and Lennie because most of the men on the ranch are loners. He represents their cold, harsh world that does not understand this type of friendship.
Why is Curley's described as wearing "boots with heels" when we are first introduced to him?
It shows he does not work out in the fields.
What is your reaction to the banning of this book in many schools? Do you agree or disagree?
Answers may vary.
How is Crook’s living quarters different from the men’s bunk houses?
He has more possessions because he doesn't travel like them. He sleeps on hay but his room is swept up and neat. He has medication for himself and the animals and he has a copy of a dictionary and a copy of the California Civil Code from 1905.
What does Carlson think has happened to his Luger?
He thinks Lennie took it
How has the setting of Chapter 6 come full circle? What is different from Chapter 1?
In chapter 1, the brush near the pond was a resting place for the men before they continued on in hopes of reaching their dream. In chapter 6, the setting is darker and it becomes the place where Lennie dies and there is no hope for his future.
How are Candy and his dog similar?
They are both old, disabled, and have little no use on the ranch.