The names of the two protagonists.
Who are Lennie and George?
This character is protective and intelligent.
Who is George?
The reason Lennie and George left Weed.
What is Lennie frightened a woman by grabbing her dress?
This is unattainable, according to the novella.
What is the American dream?
This character represents discrimination within the United States during the early 1900s.
Who is Crooks?
The name of the main antagonist.
Who is Curley?
This character doesn't know his own strength.
Who is Lenny?
George's promise to Aunt Clara.
What is to take care of Lennie?
The reason Curley's wife has no name.
The time period of Of Mice and Men.
What is the Great Depression?
This character is isolated because of his race.
Who is Crooks?
This short character has a quick temper.
Who is Curley?
Living "off the fatta the lan'" and starting their own ranch.
What is George and Lennie's dream?
Crooks, Candy, and most of the other characters experience this emotion throughout the novel.
What is loneliness?
The colloquial name of the "separate but equal" laws during this time period in the United States.
What are Jim Crow laws?
This character is a respected "skinner."
Who is Slim?
This character fears being lonely and having nowhere to call home.
Who is Candy?
This happens after Lennie laughs at Curley.
What is a fight between Curley and Lennie? What is Lennie breaking Curley's hand?
This theme is represented by all of the characters, but especially Crooks, Curley's wife, Curley, and the Boss.
What is power/powerlessness?
The reason people migrated to California for agriculture during this time period.
What is the Dust Bowl?
This character is shaken to death.
Who is Curley's wife?
This character believes it's better to end a creature's suffering by putting it down.
Who is Carlson?
This character mercifully kills Lennie at the end of the novella.
Who is George?
The title of the novella comes from this poem by this poet.
What is "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns?
The jobs of these characters are controversial, even today.
What are migrant workers?