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This character is tall and slow. Child-like. Loves soft things.
Who is Mr. Didier.... I mean Lennie
This is the reason why George and Lennie had to run from Weed.
Lennie grabbed a girl after trying to feel her soft dress and she freaked out.
This is the Resolution to the conflict "Lennie vs. Society".
George shoots Lennie to put him out of his misery.
What is Lennie's "obsession"?
What are Soft Things.
This character is short with a dark complexion. He has a short temper, but cares for those he is close with. Lennie's companion.
Who is George Milton?
He is the son of the owner of the Ranch. He is short, strong, and a former boxer. Likes to pick with those who are taller than he is.
Who is Curley?
Who were the only characters to have ever visited Crooks' room? (Hint: Crooks' room scene was in chapter 4)
Who are Lennie, Candy, and Curley's Wife?
This is the state the story is SET in?
What is California?
George told Slim he did what with Lennie during their childhood?
Play tricks on him.
This character is a Jerkline Skinner on the ranch. He is looked up to by the other farmhands and is the defacto leader.
Who is Slim?
This person has a hope to act in Hollywood, but their dreams ended and they quickly married someone they met at the farm.
Who is Curley's Wife
Why does Lennie harm living things?
He doesn't know his own strength OR he liked to pet soft things.
This is the Climax of the story
What is Lennie killing Curley's Wife by accident.
This is the job George and Lennie got on the ranch.
What is bucking barley?
This character owned an old, smelly dog that many of the farmhands wanted dead. He made a comparison to the dog's life and his own. Lost a hand in a farming accident.
Who is Candy?
This character is never actually met throughout the course of the novel accept for a scene running through Lennie's head. This person originally raised Lennie.
Who is Aunt Clara?
Who was the person to first discover the body of Curley's Wife?
Who is Candy?
Lennie's last name and his description is an example of this literary term.
What is Irony? (Lennie Small --> He's very large)
The reason why Curley is suspicious of all of the ranch hands?
He's jealous because his woman is a tart.
This person is the only other farmhand that we meet in the story, who takes a minimal role on the farm. This person is the one who is asked to fetch the deputy sheriff to hunt down Lenny.
Who is Whit?
This person is the stable buck; he has his own room in the barn. He is ignored because he is black.
Who is Crooks?
This is the reason why Lennie and George started to travel together.
Lennie's Aunt Clara died and George feels responsible for Lennie.
This event was FORESHADOWED in chapter 1.
What is Lennie returning to the campsite George told him to go to if he were to get himself into trouble.
George's killing of Lennie can be best compared to what other killing in the book?
Carlson putting down Candy's old dog.
He is a farmhand on the ranch and owner of the Luger.
Who is Carlson?