This is your breakfast menu:
Can a student just take the yogurt parfait for a reimbursable breakfast?
YES Parfait - 1 MMA, 1 WG, 1/2 C Fruit
What is the minimum number of food components a student must take for lunch to be reimbursable?
3 components
One must be at least 1/2 cup Fruit or Vegetable
The other 2 must be FULL components
Name a benefit of OVS.
Allows choice.
Students more likely to eat what they choose.
Reduces waste.
What are the 5 meal components of a reimbursable meal?
Meat/Meat Alternate
Nutrition requirements mandate that all grains served must be whole grain.
FALSE - 80% of grains served must be whole grain
This is your breakfast menu:
Can a student just take the bar and a juice for a reimbursable meal?
YES. Bar = 2 WG (2 items) and juice would provide needed 1/2 C F/V
A High School Student took this on their tray. Is this a reimbursable meal? Why or Why not?
Uncrustable with Cheese Stick and Goldfish Crackers and a Milk
NO. Must have a fruit or vegetable.
Is this meal reimbursable for K-8 LUNCH menu?
What the student selected:
Turkey and cheese sandwich (2oz M/MA, 2 oz Grain)
What is missing?
How many milk options must be offered to students?
Explanation: may continue to offer fat-free and low-fat (1%) milk, both flavored and unflavored.
(Added sugar product-based limits for flavored varieties of milk must be implemented by school year 2025-26)
What food component must a student take at breakfast and lunch in order for the meal to be reimbursable?
Fruit OR Vegetable
This is your Elementary Lunch Menu.
Can a student just take the Breadsticks and Marinara for a reimbursable meal?
YES. It would meet the requirement of 3 meal components with 1/2 C F/V.
Is a student able to be claimed for a reimbursable meal if they do not take an entree?
Yes! As long as they have 3 meal components with 1/2 C fruit or vegetable.
They could take rice, salsa, milk only.
Elem/MS would need 1/2 C rice and HS would need 1 C.
True or False:
You must remind a student to take a milk.
What is the daily amount of fruit offered for grades 9-12 is measured in cups.
What is 1 cup?
What type of documentation is needed to determine how pizza is credited in the meal pattern?
A CN (Child Nutrition) Label or a PFS (Product Formulation Statement).
This is your Middle School Lunch Menu.
Are students required to take the roll with the chicken tenders?
NO. Middle School is only required to have 1oz Grain and the tenders have 1oz Grain from the breading.
Is this meal reimbursable for grades K-8 at lunch?
Soy Jammer and Milk
NO - 1/2 C fruit or vegetable is missing
Is this a reimbursable meal for lunch as a high school student?
Yogurt Parfait
1 C yogurt = 2 M/MA
1/2 C Fruit
1/4 C Granola = 1 oz WG
Has 2 components but grain is not in minimum 2 oz amount required for HS students.
NOTE: Would be adequate for K-8
Name the 5 vegetable subgroups and one example of a vegetable in each.
True or False?
Beans, peas, and lentils credit as either the M/MA component or the vegetables component.
This is your High School Lunch Menu.
Can a student take the wrap and a serving of fruit for a reimbursable meal?
NO. The wrap only credits for 1.75 oz Grain and high school students are required to have 2oz grain.
Is there a limit on the quantity of condiments that students can take with a meal?
Policies should be in place for serving condiments.
Excess condiments = Excess sodium
For Lunch, is this meal reimbursable for grades 9-12:
1/2 cup corn
1/2 cup grapes
1 cup milk
If 1/2 cup fruit or vegetable is taken, the other two components must be in their full minimum required quantities.
Can you explain the difference between daily minimum and weekly minimum meal components?
What are grain-based desserts?
Graham crackers, sweet crackers, granola bars, cereal bars, breakfast bars, cookies, desserts, donuts, sweet rolls, toaster pastry
NOTE: only allowed 2oz/week of GBD in NSLP for grades K-12