In what circumstances should the PXT OC team close a JA case? And what about NUPT case?
We will close the JA case once the associate has returned to work, pay code applied to time card, or Payroll Status change (Termination, Suspended, LOA).
For NUPT case, we will close when they return to back to positive balance or payroll change.
Are we able to excuse the Point balance time-card?
Yes - you can submit through SmartForm or Excused, if it is applicable.
Where do you find the report for the Roster Grail/Roster Audit?
How many days does AA need to respond to our email?
3 days
When/what day does our new site launch to our region queue? What is the name of that site?
CMH7 is a new site that will be launching on 7/10/22.
**Potential HC is 914 AAs**
When conducting and posting research for Job Abandonment cases, which resources need to be checked and noted in the template for further information into absences?
All of the resources within the standard JA research template: AA response, LDW, Term History, UPT/Points, # of Missed Shifts, NSS, Panorama, DALI, TT/SIM, ADAPT, WC and AtoZ Absence Reporting.
Which AA is classified for these process?
To look for an error, what is the correct order for PXT OC team to look?
Shift Pattern, Supervisor User ID, Dept. ID, FCLM Area Cd, Shift Diff, Standard hours.
When sending an email through a TSA case, which alias should the email be sent from?
For TSA cases, the alias needs to be HR RC US TEMP SCHEDULE.
Who is the CEO of Amazon?
Andy Jassy :D
A night shift associate's last punch in MyTime was 23:46 for a shift beginning at 19:00 on 5/8. There was PTO applied on 5/9 to cover time from 0:16 to EOS. What would be this AA's LDW?
Associate has 48 hours after the Case Creation Date to respond to the initial email that was auto sent upon case creation. However, they did not response to our email, what would you do next?
Send additional email to AA with another 24 hours
If Roster Errors are in excess or we are able to see an underlying issue which is attributing to Mass Errors. What would be the next action to address this issue?
Partner with the Site to gain insight into what the root-cause is and determine the best approach forward.
On a TSA request, the AA’s documentation shows that their classes end on May 30th, but they requested the accommodation through June 20th. An STU email was sent to the AA to see if they had additional documentation to support the later end date of their request, however the SLA has passed and they haven’t responded. All of the documentation is present to approve their request otherwise, and there would be no need to send this to site for review. What should you do now that the response deadline has passed?
If an Associate is unresponsive to our STU regarding Request End Date and the Request End Date falls after the documentation end date. Approve request for documented dates if all other details are valid and no site review is required.
****Ensure you are updating the End Date in case details before approving.
What was Amazon almost named?
Cadabra, Inc.
How do you process or exempt ADAPT feedback for JA terminations and resignations?
On the pop-up window under Exemption Reason select “Associate Terminated/Job Abandonment”
For JA comment: "Feedback exempt due to JA termination."
For resignation comment: "Feedback exempt due to AA resigning."
During the research process, if you identify an associate who has had weekly point cases being open and closed, and their attendance editor page in MyTime shows the AA fluctuating between 7 and 8 points due to a point expiring. What do you have to do next?
Place the case in Employee Action Required Status.
For Seasonal AA, what is their class code?
Seasonal associates have a department code starting with 1211
What would be a correct update in PP? If exception approved and AA drops shift below 30 hours or has changed in core shift.
We need to add a new line as the ACOM shift into their Roster Grail
What is Amazon's slogan?
Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History
Name that term: A JA case was opened on 6/1 for shifts missed 5/29-5/31. The AA reported absences through AtoZ for 5/24 and 5/25. They also called the ERC on 5/28 for a payroll question. Assuming no other research found, which term type should be processed?
Job Abandonment.
* Reported absences and ERC contact didn't occur during the absences that created the JA case.
For No Call No Show, how many points are accrued? And how many infractions occurred?
For Ready Point Process is 2 pts and ASI is 1 infraction.
What are the standards hours for these types of employee class code? Class M, F, R, Q, X
Standard hours:
M - varies
F - 40
R - 30
Q - 20
X - 19
If an AA requests a temporary schedule accommodation off of their core shift which is supported by their documentation, are they able to mix day and night shifts (such as working day shifts on Monday-Tuesday and nights on Thursday-Friday)?
Even though their documentation may support this, the TSA SOP states that the new shift pattern must be one that is already supported by the site if the AA moves off of their core schedule. No schedule exists with both day and night shifts.
How many leadership principles does Amazon have today? What are they?