Mixed Bag

You find an office employee with signs consistent with an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). What is the first step?

Call 911


What does CPR stand for? 

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 


What is a stroke (a mechanism)?

interruption of blood flow to the brain - can be hemorrhagic (20%) or ischemia (80%)


What is the law designed to protect the rescuer and encourage people to assist others in distress by granting them immunity against lawsuits?

The Good Samaritan Law


Smoke is coming out of a room where you know a coworker has been working. What is the FIRST thing you should do?

Pause and assess for hazards before entering the room.


You find an office employee displaying symptoms consistent with a heart attack. What medicine would you like to give this person before EMS arrives?

Aspirin. If they carry nitroglycerine they can administer this as well. 


What is the rate of compressions during CPR for any age?

100-120 compressions per minute. At least 2 inches deep. Completely recoil. Staying alive will get you 103 compressions per minute


What does the acronym FAST stand for? 

Face, Arm Speech, Time to call 911. 


What are the ABCD's of First Aid?

Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability


Why is angling the body and face towards the ground important when placing a person in the recovery position?

It helps keep fluids and the tongue clear from the airway.


Follow up question: 

You find an office employee displaying symptoms consistent with a heart attack. What dose of aspirin would you like to give

Aspirin 325mg - chew and swallow. "baby aspirin" is 81mg, if this is all that is available - administer 4 tablets. 


Adults receiving CPR should have what compression: ventilation ratio 

30 compressions: 2 rescue breaths. (this is 15:2 for kids). Rescue breaths are working when chest rises. Remember to plug patient nose and seal around mouth. 


After calling 911, what is the second most important step to take when helping someone displaying symptoms of a stroke?

Note the current time - it is very helpful to medical professionals to know when the patient was "last seen normal"


How long can a tourniquet be worn without significant damage to the distal limb?

2 hours IF placed properly. - write the time of day that you placed the tourniquet on the tourniquet itself (or on the patient)


You are caring for a coworker with a nosebleed. What should you do to provide care?

Pinch the soft portion of the nose and have him tilt his head forward, chin down.


What symptoms do you expect someone with a heart attack to display (name 5, be specific)

Chest pain/discomfort, Nausea/Vomting/Lightheadedness, Neck/Jaw pain, left shoulder pain (radiates from chest), Shortness of breath, diaphoresis (sweating)

Note: patients can have heart attacks without chest pain


What is the first step to using an AED?

Turn it on - AED will run itself and provide you instructions so make sure to turn it on before placing pads


What are the 2 most significant risk factors? (hint - 2 diseases)

Hypertension followed by diabetes (make sure you are getting checked for these too!)


What is the name of the best known method to clear a person's airway when choking?

The Heimlich Maneuver


Someones tooth was just knocked out after a door was opened into their face. Where should you store the tooth while they are escorted to a dentist?

In the mouth - best to place it back from the socket. If that isn't possible, put it near the cheek. Can place it in a glass of milk (this is better than water, but not as good as keeping the tooth moist in saliva). 


You notice an office employee displaying signs of a heart attack - you take the appropriate steps to help this person - you sit the person in a chair and help them relax. How does this help? 

Eases the strain on their heart. 


Why is complete recoil during chest compressions important?

Allows the heart to fill with blood

A stroke damages the left precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex) - on which side of the body would you expect weakness? 

The right side. Decussation 


What does AED stand for? 

automated external defibrillator (aed)


You are talking with a group of coworkers when one of them suddenly collapses to the ground. Her whole body is jerking and convulsing. What is your immediate care?

Protect her from further injury by moving away from her any objects she might bump into. Dont try to put things in their mouth...