Everyday Casualties
Facial Wound/ Electric shock
Abdominal/Sucking chest

A casualty occurs in climate control. What actions should the bridge take per coast guard medical

Plot at controlling stations


AET3 Scarface falls on a knife he was holding cuts his face. What steps should you take to control the bleeding?

Pinch the wound closed, do not place any hands on exposed bone


IT3 Saban has injured himself while working. HS2 Belicheck quickly rushes over and realizes it is a sucking chest wound. How should HS2 dress the wound to make sure IT3 lives?

First HS2 should wipe blood and sweat around the wound, cover the wound with a piece of plastic, with three sides taped down IT3s body, and the lower flap left open to support drainage, reinforce the seal with battle dress, and properly secure everything


HS3 Polamalu is playing football and breaks his forearm. Where should splints be placed if HS3 Polamalu breaks his forearm? 

Splint should immobilize the above and below joint around the injury, and applied in the position found


When arriving with a stretcher what should you bring with you and what attire should you be in?

first aid kit (gun bag) and battle dress


CWO2 Bunyard falls down the stairs. You arrive on the scene and examine the body. You realize he is not breathing. What steps do you take?

Establish airway using head-tilt, chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver, Look, listens and feels for breathing, and Looks and feels for foreign objects in the mouth


FN Johnny accidentally stabs himself in the eye with a screwdriver. How should you treat FN Johnny with a screwdriver stuck in his eye? 

Do not remove the screwdriver and try and immobilize it. Cover the other eye if possible.


IT3 Saban is treated for his sucking chest wound. As he walks away, SN Gronkowski looks up and sees a massive gaping exit wound. How many sides the exit wound should be sealed on?

The exit wound should be sealed on all 4 sides with an appropriate size dressing applied.


HS3 Polamalu is profusely bleeding from his broken arm and his bone is sticking out. How many battle dressings should be placed before applying a tourniquet? 

At least 2 battle dressings should be applied before using any tourniquet. 


You arrive on scene and evaluate the situation, as you approach the casualty what should you check first before moving them onto a stretcher?

Check for further injury and see if there is damage to the spine or C spine precautions


HS3 Williams walks into a smoke filled room to try and find his favorite pocketknife. He collapses after an extended period of time. What steps do you take to save HS3 Williams?

Safely vent the room and remove HS3 Williams, establish an open airway using the head tilt chin technique, look listen and feel for exchange of breaths, if necessary, perform rescue breaths and/or CPR, perform reassessments as necessary and if possible use an oxygen bag


EM2 Fenn is working on an electrical outlet. Suddenly he is electrocuted. FN Madden sees it happen. What steps should FN Madden take to try to save EM2 Fenn?

Remove from power source, secure the power, move Fenn to a safe place 


FN Curry is running in the engine room, falls and is badly injured. His intestines are protruding. ENS Irving arrives on scene and tries to help. What should ENS Irving specifically NOT do in terms of the intestines protrouding from the abdominal cavity?

ENS Irving should not try to push the intestines back inside the abdominal captivity and should not attempt to apply pressure.


FN Johnny has had his arm amputated in a freak accident with a potato peeler. To prevent him from bleeding out how should you control the bleeding?

Use direct pressure, elevation and pressure point utilized in an attempt to control the bleeding, and do not place hands on exposed bone


What are the proper steps to set up a stretcher

Stretcher set up next to casualty, casualty properly positioned on neck support pad, torso and legs properly secured, chest strap under arms, position the head straps in a way to avoid damaging the airway, proper measures to ensure no further injury


HS3 William's pulse has returned and he is breathing fine on his own, what check should you do to make sure there is nothing else wrong?

Head to toe check


ENS Franklin has been burned on her face. What steps do you take for treatment?

Decide the type and severity of burn, do not break blister, use sterile dressing, and elevate patient properly for drainage, if a facial burn monitor circulation and airway


ENS Irving is helping FN Curry with his abdominal wound. How should ENS Irving treat the wound and help FN Curry?

Sterilize the bandage with clean potable water, if none is available then leave dry, position the bandage properly, secure the bandage properly, place member on their back, bend the knees and secure the lower legs, spread the feet and keep toes pointed inward


FN Johnny's bleeding will not stop. As a last resort you apply a tourniquet. How should it be applied and in what circumstances do you loosen it?

As close to the wound as possible, mark with a T and the time as it is applied, use battle dress, never loosen. 


You are transporting someone up a stairwell in a stretcher. How many turns around a permanent stanchion are your safety lines?
