A morpheme that means "far away"
What is tele?
The word meaning "to do again" (in cursive)
What is "redo"?
When you combine "should" and "not"
What is "shouldn't"?
I see storm cl__ds ahead!
What is "ou"?
The person who is responsible for our confusing calendar
Who was "Caesar" or "Julius Caesar"?
This morpheme means "to hear"
3 ways to make this sound...(in cursive)
c, ck, k
When you combine "they" and "are"
What is "they're"?
She's not from New York, sh's from out of t_ _n.
What is "ow"?
A word spelled the same forward and backwards like "racecar"
A morpheme used to turn respectful to "not respectful"
What is "dis" or "disrespectful"?
Something blue that releases rain and snow (in cursive)
When you take separate "they'll"?
What is "they will" or "they shall"?
A baby deer is called a f_ _n
What is "aw"?
The last letter to be added to the alphabet
What is the letter "J"?
This morpheme means "to write"
What is "gram/graph"?
A class where you draw, paint, or sculpt (in cursive)
What is "art"?
When you combine "have" and "not"
What is "haven't"?
At the end of the show I heard appl_ _se.
What is "au"?
The original name for a "butterfly"
What is "flutterby"?
Morphemes that mean 7, 8, 9, and 10
What are sept, oct, non/nov, dec/deci?
The name of the school you attend (in cursive)
What is "Churchill"?
When you separate "could've"
What is "could" and "have"?
A morpheme that means "by itself" or "on it's own"
_ _to
What is "au" or "auto"?
The official language of the United Satets
What is "there is no official language" in the US?