How many pages are in the Cadet Guide?
What is 109?
What is the symbol for a Cadet Airman Basic?
What is nothing
What time is 8:00 AM in military time?
When is 0800 hours
What position must the commanding officer be in to give an order to a flight?
What is attention?
When was the Air Force founded
What is September 18th, 1947
What color must a female cadet's hair band be?
What is, as close in color to their hair as possible
What rank does a four-stripped chevron with a torch in the middle represent?
What is a Cadet Staff Sergeant
What time is 1200 hours in civilian time?
What order means you must salute?
What is present arms
Who were the first two people to achieve powered flight?
Who were the Wright Brothers
When is a salute NEVER rendered?
What is when a cadet is running
What rank is your SASI?
What is a Major
You need to be somewhere at 1648 hours, what time is this in the 12 hour clock?
When is 4:48 PM
If a commander wants to turn a marching flight 180 degrees, what command should he give?
What is "To the Rear"
Who was the first African-American Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force?
Who is former CMSAF Thomas Barnes
On what page can information on wear of the ABU uniform be found?
What is page 88?
What is the symbol for a Brigadier General?
What is a single star
What two times can be used to represent 12:00 AM in military time?
What is 2400 hours and 0000 hours
What is 100 to 120 beats per minute?
What was the name of the bomber that dropped the first atomic warhead?
What is Enola Gay
How does a cadet receive the Military Model Building Team Ribbon?
What is, the Corps must have a model building team and the cadet must be a member?
If your ASI was promoted, what paygrade would he be?
What is an E-8
What time originates in Greenwich, England?
What is Zulu Time
When a marching flight approaches a hazard, what must the element leaders do?
What is raise their right arm and yell "Safety" while identifying the hazard
Who was the leading American Ace of the First World War
Who is Captain Eddie Rickenbacker of the USAAS