Who was both king & prophet
who is Suliman?
How many surahs are in the Quran
What is the final prayer of the night?
which angel is the messenger of Allah to the prophets
After the death of Prophet Mohammed, two groups of islams emerged, what are they called?
Sunnis and Shiites
These two hills are were prophet Ibrahim left his wife and son
Safa and Marwa
Abel and Cain are called this in the Quran
Qabeel and Habeel
What was the last battle in Islam?
the battle of tabook
which angels sit on our shoulders
kiraman & kateeban
What are the white clothes muslims wear during hajj called
Which prophet became blind after his son was separated from him?
who is Yaqoub
In Surah Al fatiha Allah is referred to as the king/master of the ...
Day of Judgement
Which Muslim empire took over the most amount of land?
who are the four main angels
Jibreel, Mikael, Israfil, Izrail
the number of times muslims go around the kaabah during tawaf
When prophet Mohammed was a baby, this woman breastfed him
Which surah in the Quran mentions two prophets in the last ayah?
Surah Al-Ala
who enclosed yajuuj & majuj
dhul qarnayan
which angel is responsible for wind and rain
The Quran was revealed over how many years
Who were the prophets of Uli Alazim?
who is Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, and Mohammed
Which surah has the name Allah in every verse
Surah al-Mujadilah
The Quran mentions four rivers of the following in Jannah
Which angels ask questions in the grave
Munkir & Nakir
When water isn't available to do wudu, what can you do instead?
- making wudu with soil, sand, or dust