General (ELDS purpose, provide, promote, guide, how used)
Organization of ELDS

These standards include a focus on children’s developing abilities to regulate attention, emotions, and behavior, and to establish positive relationships with familiar adults and with peers.

What is Social -Emotional Development Domain?


To support the development and well-being of young children and to foster their learning.

What is the purpose of the Early Learning and Development Standards?


The developmental or conceptual components within each domain

What are the strands?


These standards address motor skills and health practices that are essential for children’s overall development also describe the development of health practices that become part of children’s daily routines and healthy habits such as nutrition and self-help.

What is the physical well-being and motor development domain?


The understanding of early learning and development

What does the ELDS promote?


The area of focus within each strand, can contain one or more.

What are the topics?


These standards center on the foundational behaviors, dispositions, and attitudes that children bring to social interactions and learning experiences. These behaviors are fundamental to children’s ability to take advantage of learning opportunities, and to set, plan, and achieve goals for themselves 

What is approaches to learning domain?


A comprehensive and coherent set of expectations for children’s development and learning

What does the ELDS provide?


Those concepts and skills children should know and be able to do for the different age-groups.

What are the standard statements?


These standards reflect knowledge and skills fundamental to children’s learning of language, reading and writing.  

What is language and literacy domain?


The design and implementation of curriculum, assessment and instructional practices with young children

What does the ELDS guide?


Infants (birth to around 8 months), Young Toddlers (6 to around 18 months), Older Toddlers (16 to around 36 months), and Pre-Kindergarten (3-5yrs)

What are the age groups for the continuum of learning and development in each of the domains?


These standards includes those cognitive processes that enable all other learning to take place, as well as children’s knowledge of the social and physical world.

What is cognition and general knowledge domain?


As teachers observe children and plan activities, they can refer to the standards and ask what knowledge and skills are the children gaining in each of the developmental areas.

How can teachers use the ELDS in their classroom 


The strategies in this guidance document are not designed to be specific activities or “lesson plans.” Rather, they represent broad approaches to implementation in each strand that may help teachers create meaningful learning activities and experiences to support development and learning.

What are the ELDS Implementation guides?