Real Jeopardy:
International Airlines
Real Jeopardy:
International Holidays & Observances
Real Jeopardy:
To The Stars
Real Jeopardy:
Stars on the Nation's Flag
Real Jeopardy:
Sci-Fi Movie by Quote

Aer Lingus has a hub & its headquarters in this capital city

What is Dublin?


It officially became France's Fete nationale in 1880

What is Bastille Day?


The Outer Space Treaty prohibits these weapons or "any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction" from space

What are nuclear weapons?


The 12 stars on Uzbekistan's flag represent this group of 12, a reminder of the nation's history as a center of astrology

What is the zodiac?


1968: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that"

What is 2001: A Space Odyssey?


This German airline began flying in April 1955

What is Lufthansa?


The 2017 movie "Coco" takes place during this Mexican holiday

What is Day of the Dead?


In 1960 NASA made this German-born man the first director of the Marshall Space Flight Center

Wernher von Braun


In 1903 this Central American country signed a treaty giving the U.S. control of a zone; it adopted a red, white & blue starry flag in 1904

What is Panama?


2009: "Up ahead was Pandora. You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured I'd be goin' there"

What is Avatar?


Dozens of flight attendants stripped off their uniforms in a Rome square to protest this airline's October 2021 demise

What is Alitalia?


People lay flowers at an eternal flame in Yerevan on April 24, this country's genocide Remembrance Day

What is Armenia?


Abdul Ahad Mohmand, the first Afghan man in space, was not an astronaut but this similar kind of spaceman

What is a cosmonaut?


In the center of the flag of Dominica are 10 lime green stars surrounding one of these raucous tropical avians native to that isle

What are parrots?


Joaquin Phoenix to Scarlett Johansson: "Are you talking to anyone else right now...? --Yeah. --How many others? --8,316"

What is Her?


The name of this Russian airline comes from words meaning "air fleet"

What is Aeroflot?


This boat festival in China is said to have begun as a search for the poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in a river

What is the Dragon Boat Festival?


 In 2019 this "Heavy" SpaceX rocket launched a solar sail testing for space travel powered only by sunlight

What is Falcon Heavy?


Like several of its neighbors, Papua New Guinea's flag has stars in the shape of this constellation

What is the Southern Cross?


1968: "You know what they say, 'Human see, human do'"

What is Planet of the Apes?


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of Dubai wanted to start an airline & this name was chosen for it in 1984

What is Emirates?


This Christian sect in Egypt celebrates Christmas Day on January 7

Who are the Copts?


Many of the European space agency's launches happen at its spaceport in this South American territory

What is French Guiana?


China's flag's 4 small stars stood for peasants, the petty bourgeoisie, patriotic capitalists & this manual labor class

What is the proletariat?


1951: "I'm worried about Gort. I'm afraid of what he might do if anything should happen to me"

What is The Day the Earth Stood Still?