What year was Ojjo founded?
What is: 2018
When a top of pile lateral load is applied to an Earth Truss - this load is distributed axially along the legs into the Screw Anchors as pure "X" and "Y"
What is: Tension and Compression
This type of foundation uses long, slender elements driven deep into the ground to support loads?
What is the name of the Ojjo machine that installs the Earth Trusses?
What is: Truss Driver
What are the 3 main components that assemble to complete an Earth Truss?
What is: Anchors, Legs, Truss Cap
What project load affects the secondary axis of foundation?
What is: Seismic
This soil testing method involves driving a hollow tube into the ground to extract samples for analysis?
What is: A Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
What is the most important patent about the Ojjo Screw Anchor that allows the drill rod to pass through?
What is: Hollow Screw Anchor
How do Earth Truss Legs connect to Screw Anchors and Truss Cap?
What is: Crimp, Crimps, Crimping, etc
What are the three main Screw Anchor sizes/lengths that Ojjo offers?
What is: 1.5M, 2.0M, 2.23M
The term for the maximum load per unit area a soil can withstand without failing?
At what angle from vertical does the Ojjo Truss Driver install Screw Anchors?
What is: 20 degrees
What do we call the position in space, in which our machine rotates about to install the Earth Truss?
What is: Workpoint
What Nvalues (blows/foot) do we look at for a quick Earth Truss compatibility?
What is: >25
What is: 31-50
What does the Upper Rotary control, and what does the lower rotary control?
What is: What is Drill Rod & Screw Anchor
Who is the most rad team at Ojjo?
What is: Duh....Project Engineering.
Has Ojjo Truss Driver ever encountered refusal?
What is: No. The truss driver can go through granite (not ideal for cycle time)
What is the HDG spec for Earth Truss Screw Anchors for completing a corrosion analysis?
What is: 3.9Mils or ASTMA123 Grade 100 Coating
What is the part of the machine that "fires" and handles percussion drilling?
What is: The Drifter