Two-part question!
1. Name a natural disaster that impacts our ecosystem
2. Name a human impact on the local ecosystem
1. Forest fires, unusual temperatures (heat domes and cold snaps), unusual amounts of rain too much= flooding, not enough=drought and fires
2. urban development, straightening streams, replacing grasslands with farms, vineyards, agriculture, garbage and littering, pollution from cars/boats/vehicles
All of the living and non-living things in an area, interacting with each other.
Name a local plant that we have learned about.
Ponderosa pine, arrowleaf flower, saskatoon berry, Oregon grape,
Chief of all things growing on the land.
siyaʔ (Saskatoon Berry)
A type of living thing that can convert energy from the sun into food.
A species that does not normally live in an ecosystem and causes harm by disrupting the balance, perhaps taking over too much space or consuming too much of the nutrients.
Invasive species
All of the different kinds of life that you find in one area.
Name a local animal that is prey.
White tailed deer, rabbit, chipmunk, quail, yellow-bellied marmot
Chief of all creatures in the water.
Ntyxtix (Spring Salmon)
A type of living thing that gets its energy from eating other living things.
The change in weather patterns and temperatures happening all over the world.
Climate change
All of the members of one type of living thing in the ecosystem
Name a local animal that is a predator.
Cougar, coyote, eagle, hawk, osprey, bear....
Chief of all things under the ground.
Spʼiƛ̕əm (Bitter Root)
A type of living thing that breaks down dead plant or animal matter.
When species are at risk of dying out in an area
Endangered, red-listed and blue-listed species
All of the populations of living things within an ecosystem.
Name a type of decomposer
mushroom, fungus, insects
Skəmixst (Black Bear)
A sequence or order that describes how energy is transferred within an ecosystem, often as one living thing eats another.
Food chain
Name two ways that you can help our local ecosystem.
Litter and garbage pickup, reduce/reuse/recycle, pro-active fire-smart efforts, more walking/cycling and less driving, plant a pollinator garden, compost, etc.
Taking responsibility to be a caretaker and protector of the land.
Land Stewardship
Name an animal that could be predator AND prey
Salmon, many birds, frog, snake
The life force strands
All of the interconnected food chains in an ecosystem.
Food web