This overnight event is held during the summer on a college campus and focuses on life skills development.
What is a Teen Conference?
Youth age 16-21, in out of home care, meet this criteria.
What is eligibility for Independent Living Services?
What is the number for the Yes I Can! program?
These are stable people you can rely on and who know how to contact you.
What is a Permanent Connection?
This tool is used to help a youth assess their knowledge and abilities of living on their own.
What is the ACLSA or Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment?
This is an opportunity for youth, ages 16-21, to share their experiences in foster care.
Youth can earn $25!!!
What is a Teen Panel?
This is the age that youth, who are eligible for the Tuition Waiver and Education Training Voucher, must be enrolled and attending college or technical school.
What is 21?
This must happen before you can access services from the Yes I Can! program.
What is call the 800 number and open your case?
This term describes the transition to adulthood.
What is Independent Living?
These funds can be used for prom expenses, work uniforms, scientific calculators, and other items to support a youth’s transition plan.
What are Youth Development Funds?
This type of event can be a few hours or a full day. The focus is on one or more of the 7 Key Elements for Success.
What is an Independent Living Seminar?
This is the date after which a youth, over age 16, must have been adopted or in a guardianship to still be eligible for IL services.
What is October 7, 2008?
This is a service available through the Yes I Can program to help youth who need extra support or help in accessing resources.
What is case management?
Youth can choose to remain in this type of care until the age of 21 or until completion of their high school diploma/GED.
What is Voluntary Care?
In addition to the Tuition Waiver, youth may be eligible for this funding to help with expenses at approved colleges and technical schools.
What is the Education Training Voucher?
This opportunity allows youth to serve as a page, participate in a mock legislative session, and spend time with their sponsoring House of Representatives delegate.
What is Legislative Page Week?
If a youth has been in custody, in out of home care, for 9 months between 16-18, and has a diploma or GED they are eligible for this.
What is the Tuition Waiver?
Youth who are pregnant or parenting that call the Yes I Can! program will be asked to receive this service.
What is a pregnancy/parenting assessment?
This “proof of purchase” must be submitted each time you use funds, in order to receive more funding.
What are receipts?
Youth need to this to help them plan their transition into adulthood.
Hint: This is also required by the court at least 90 days prior to a youth turning 18?
What is a Transition Plan?
This is a group of youth that creates service learning projects that help the community and allows the youth to learn life skills at the same time.
What is a Youth Service Board?
These services are available for youth who are in out of home placement on their 18th birthday.
What is Extended Medicaid and Housing Contingency Funds?
These things are required for a youth to receive assistance with the purchase of a car.
Hint: There are 5 things--guess at least 3 and we'll give you the points!
What is:
1. Be eligible for Supportive Services
2. Be 18 years old
3. Must save up to $1000
4. Must have a license
5. Must provide a title/bill of sale and proof of insurance
These electronic resources provide information about the Independent Living Program and current events.
What are the Oklahoma Independent Living pages on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace?
Before a youth leaves care, they should complete this with their worker. It allows them to tell OKDHS about their experience in care, identify changes they would make to the system, and earn up to $300.