What is the state mammal?
The Bison
What is the state rock?
Rose Rock
What is the state flower?
Oklahoma Rose
What is the state wildflower?
Indian Blanket
What is the state furbearer?
The Raccoon
What is the state bird?
The Scissor-tailed flycatcher
What is the current state capital of Oklahoma?
Oklahoma City
What is the state tree?
The Redbud
What are the state colors?
Green and White
What is the state monument?
The Golden Driller
What is the state reptile?
The Collared lizard
What 6 states border Oklahoma?
Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Texas
What was the first state capital of Oklahoma?
What is the state floral emblem?
What is the state amphibian?
What is the state game bird and game animal?
Wild Turkey and White-tail Deer
What creates the border of Oklahoma and Texas?
The Red River
What is the state fruit?
What is the state butterfly?
Black Swallowtail
What is the state song?
What is the state insect?
How many counties are in Oklahoma?
What is the state vegetable?
What is the state fish?
White Bass (Sand Bass)
What number statehood was Oklahoma given?